New Publication on the Manuscripts and the Armenian Genocide

With the blessings of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; the Publishing Department of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin has published the book “The Armenian Genocide and the Loss of Armenian Manuscripts and Salvation”.

The first section of the book (S. Golanjyan, Armenian Massacres and the Loss of Our Manuscripts) discussed the loss of Armenian manuscripts and the culture of printed books as a result of two decades of Turkish barbarity – at the end of the XIX century and in the early of the XX century. In next the composition titled “Brief Description of Prominent Monasteries in Vaspurakan” written by Very Rev. Fr. Archimandrite Hovhannes Hyusyan; the destruction of the monasteries in Vaspurakan is described. The third work includes depictions of manuscripts and their records.

The next two works are researches Mr. Gevorg Ter-Vardanyan, on a manuscript that survived the Armenian Genocide and a fragment of a manuscript. These are the publication of valuable historical documents concerning the XVIII century, which prior to 1919, were kept in the St. Thomas the Apostle Monastery in Agulis.

Archaeological Discovery: Rare 4th Century Pottery With Christian Symbol Found in London

A shard of pottery discovered in modern-day London, England, provides an interesting view into early Christian settlements in Europe, archaeologists say.

The pottery, which was discovered in 1970 near Brentford High Street in London, was recently flagged as showing a depiction of the chi rho, a Christian symbol showing the first two Greek letters of "Khristos," or "Christ."

Serbia commemorates 17 years since NATO bombing; Vucic: we will not forget

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic said on Thursday at a central ceremony in Varvarin marking 17 years since the NATO bombing that to citizens he could only promise life and work, and underlined there could be no more excuses for graves, bombs and death.

Memorial service for the soldiers killed during the NATO aggression

Memorial service for the soldiers killed during the NATO aggression
Memorial service for the soldiers killed during the NATO aggression
Memorial service for the soldiers killed during the NATO aggression
Memorial service for the soldiers killed during the NATO aggression

In the chapel of Saint George, at the military barracks “Banjica 2” in Belgrade, the memorial service (panichida) was served for the killed members of the Yugoslav Army during the NATO aggression upon the F.R. Yugoslavia in 1999, the Serbian Armed Forces reported.

The Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Ljubisa Dikovic with members of the collegium attended.

Divine Liturgy held on 2nd Sunday of Lent at St. GeorgeCathedral in Bab Touma, Damascus

His Holiness Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II celebrated the Holy Qurobo on the Second Sunday of the Great Lent at Mor George Patriarchal Cathedral in Bab Touma – Damascus.

His Eminence Mor Timotheos Matta Al-Khoury, Patriarchal Vicar of the Patriarchal Archdiocese of Damascus, assisted His Holiness. He spoke about the miracle of the healing of the leprous. He compared it to the spiritual healing that the Lord Jesus miraculously does to those who ask Him with faith. He also congratulated His Holiness on the occasion of the feast of Mor Aphrem, His Holiness’ Patron Saint.