Exhibition of icons of Msc Todor Mitrovic at ULUS gallery

Exhibition of icons of Msc Todor Mitrovic at  ULUS gallery
Exhibition of icons of Msc Todor Mitrovic at  ULUS gallery
Exhibition of icons of Msc Todor Mitrovic at  ULUS gallery
Exhibition of icons of Msc Todor Mitrovic at  ULUS gallery

Last night at the ULUS gallery, at 37 Knez Mihajlova str., an exhibition of icons of Msc Todor Mitrovic was opened, docent on the subject Iconography at Higher school - Academy of the Serbian Orthodox Church for arts and conservation. The exhibition is an integral, practical part of a doctoral art project at the Belgrade's Faculty of Fine Arts, on the subject Icon -between print, pictures and letters.

At the exhibition 75 icons of small format were showcased. The exhibits are arranged at uniform distance - at eye level - and represent portrait icons of various saints. The exhibition lasts from August 17-30 2011, and the gallery is opened from 10am-8pm.


Source: Higher school - Academy of the SOC for arts and conservation