The famous Orthodox monastery in Turkey will be converted into a mosque?

Greek church news agency “Amen” reported from Istanbul, which is located where the famous in the history of Orthodoxy Studion monastery goes from the Ministry of Culture of Turkey’s General Directorate of subordination Awqaf (religious property) and will be transformed from a branch of the museum “Hagia Sophia” in the existing mosque.

Studion monastery, dedicated to St. John the Baptist, was founded in Constantinople in the middle of V century Patrick studio. The monastery played a prominent role in the history of Byzantine culture and spirituality. In the second half of the VII – VIII centuries of the first half of the monastery became a stronghold and center ikonopochitateley against heretics iconoclasts.

Studion monastery was turned into a mosque by the Ottomans in 1486. Abode heavily damaged by fire in 1782, was renovated in 1820, but again was severely damaged during the earthquake of 1894. In 1908, the collapsed roof of the cathedral. To date, the building was renovated and resided in ruined state, according to the portal “” .

Source: Russia News