Feastday of the Elevation of the Holy Cross in New Gracanica
the New Gracanica Monastery, a Hierarchal Liturgy was served on the
Feastday of the Elevation of the Holy Cross. Bishop Longin served,
accompanied by seven priests and four deacons. At the end of the Divine
Liturgy, Bishop Longin gave a sermon in which he spoke of the very
event of the finding and elevation of the Holy Cross by Empress Helen
and Emperor Constantine in the fourth century, but also about the
importance for each one of us of carrying our own cross, or rather of
struggling against sin, passions and anything else that might separate
us from the love of God.
After the sermon, Bishop Longin gave the pectoral cross to Protopresbyter Lazar Kostur after fourty years of faithful service to Christ's Church, or in other words, on the fourtieth anniversary of his ordination.
Source: www.newgracanica.com