Fr. John Erickson Prepares for Service in Tanzania

This month, Fr. John Erickson will journey to Tanzania as an OCMC Mission Specialist to teach seminarians at the Kasikizi Catechetical Center. Fr. John began teaching at St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary in 1973 and is currently the Peter N. Gramowich Professor of Church History. He is also a well-known expert in Canon Law.

The Orthodox Church in Tanzania has grown tremendously under the leadership of His Eminence Jeronymos, Metropolitan of Mwanza. In the past 10 years, the number of parishes has more than tripled, and the number of Faithful has more than doubled. His Eminence has maintained a missionary spirit that helps the Church in Tanzania to thrive.

The increasing growth of the Church has resulted in the need for more qualified priests and catechists. In 2006, there were only 34 Tanzanian priests serving the more than 41,000 Faithful. The Kasikizi Catechetical Center, located in the Tanzanian Metropolis of Mwanza, seeks to meet this need, offering both seminary classes and seminars for those who desire to learn more about the Faith and to continue the work of the Gospel.

Fr. John said of his mission in Tanzania, "I expect to learn as much as I am going to teach." He went on to describe the importance of not just knowing about Orthodoxy or of doing Orthodox things, but of being Orthodox. Please pray for Fr. John during his time in Tanzania.

