The FYR Macedonia – Verdicts out of court

Former Prime Minister of Macedonia Mr Vlado Buchkovski requests a dissolution of the judiciary in Republic of Macedonia, stressing that in the country exists only the judiciary controlled by the ruling political parties.

АрхиепископFor a long period of time the public in Republic of Macedonia has been a witness of the international community has been pointing at the Macedonian judiciary which is corrupted and controlled by the ruling political parties , and that forms the greatest obstacle for the Republic Macedonia in its way to achieve contemporary values of our civilization.

The former prime minister and current representative in the Council, Mr Vlado Buchkovski, which had been sentenced for 3 years and 6 months in prison, have requested recently to ‘' dissolve the judiciary'' in Republic of Macedonia, stating that ‘'judges get verdicts out of courts'' and also accusing that in Macedonia existed only ‘' judiciary controlled by the ruling political parties'' (Sitel TV, News, 11.12.2008).

His Eminence Archbishop Jovan of Ohrid and Metropolitan of Skopje, declared by the Amnesty International and other similar organizations to be the prisoner of consciousness, was sentenced and put into the prison Idrizovo, at the time when Mr Vlado Buchkovski was Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia. Then Mr Vlado Buchkovski stayed silent, but today when he is sentenced, admits that the judiciary is politicized and that all the decisions are made out of courthouses. 

It is obvious that the same government-controlled judiciary, which Mr Vlado Buchkovski wanted to be dissolved, judged also at the time when he was the prime minister. The identical judiciary had sentenced and today continues to convict Archbishop Jovan of Ohrid. 

Hence, the posed question, which is still unanswered, is why Mr Vlado Buchkovsky did not said when he was Prime Minister and when Archbishop Jovan of Ohrid was sentenced to prison, which he was serving at the Idrizovo penitentiary, the judiciary was politicized and corrupted. 
