Genocide of Orthodox Christians and Minorities in Ethiopia

Various reports from Ethiopia state that various radical Oromo groups back in action, killing and murdering innocent non-Oromo ethnic population.

All began with the killing of the popular Oromo musician Haacaaluu Hundeessaa earlier this week. His murder unleashed the terror on non-ormo ethnic communities by Ormo radicals. The police detained a few people in response to the murder.

According to the field report “These were the most horrific days for Christians in the Oromo region. There are different factions in the region. Some are ethno-nationalist and others are religious. The majority of those who got killed in a brutal way (beheaded and mutilated) are Orthodox Christian of Amhara Ethnicity. The other targets were Gurage, Wolayita, Tigreans, and Gammo ethnicities. No governmental forces were present in the scene. The murders were armed with knives and guns. Nobody stopped nor interfered. After the massacre, government soldiers are deployed.”

In a recent report published by (siting Mahibere Kidusan), Archbishop Abune Henok, Primate of the diocese of West Arsi (located in the Oromo region) stated that Orthodox Christians were purposefully targeted and killed. The attack was not just ethnic-based, but it was presented in that manner. The pre-planned attack by radicals killed more than 239 Orthodox Christians.

More than 3362 Orthodox Christians were displaced. Many Orthodox Christians schools, clinics, entrepreneurial ventures, vehicles were also destroyed, according to Archbishop Henok.

Radical Ormo Islamist Jawar Mohammed and his gang have been terrorizing Non-Ormo communities, especially Orthodox Christians. However, Jawar Mohammed and other prominent Oromo nationalists have been arrested by the government authorities.  The diaspora Oromos are campaigning against the arrest.

In 2019, fanatic Oromo groups attacked and killed a large number of Non -Oromo and destroyed more than 30 Orthodox Churches and institutions.

Source: OCP