Hierarchal Liturgy in Cathedral church in Novi Sad

Hierarchal Liturgy in Cathedral church in Novi Sad
Hierarchal Liturgy in Cathedral church in Novi Sad
Hierarchal Liturgy in Cathedral church in Novi Sad
Hierarchal Liturgy in Cathedral church in Novi Sad

Metropolitan Cleopas: The Holy Spirit leads the Church and gives people ability of acquiring the Truth.

His Eminence Metropolitan Stephen of Estonia presided over the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy at Saint George’s Church in Novi Sad, on the feast day of Holy Emperor Constantine, 3 June 2018. He was concelebrated by Metropolitan Athenagoras of Belgium (Ecumenical Patriarchate), Metropolitan Cleopas of Scandinavia (Ecumenical Patriarchate), Metropolitan Joseph of Western Europe and South Europe (Romanian Orthodox Church), Metropolitan Gabriel of Philadelphia and New Ionia (Archbishopric of Athens), Metropolitan Porfirije of Zagreb-Ljubljana and Bishop Irinej of Backa.After the read Gospel portion, Metropolitan Cleopas of Scandinavia delivered a sermon.

 Following the end of the Liturgy, Bishop Irinej of Backa greeted the representatives of the Local Orthodox Churches who had come to Novi Sad in order to participate in the session of the General Assembly of the Conference of the European Churches. – I am full of joy that we are here today, on the feast-day of Sts. Emperor Constantine and Helen, and the feast-day of All Saints, although from different countries, and from different cultures and linguistic backgrounds, that we may glorify  the Lord with one heart and one mouth. May this divine gathering and our offered prayers to the Lord of the Church be of salvation and health for many years, Bishop Irinej said.

The Holy Liturgy at the Cathedral Church was attended by Bishop Atle Sommerfeldt  of Norway  as well as by many participants of the General Assembly of the Conference of the European Churches.

Besides the Cathedral Church, participants of the General Assembly had an opportunity to participate in the Liturgy at the church of St. Nicholas.

Source: Diocese of Backa (translated by Information Service of the SOC)