Kosovo: “If There Are Young People, There Is A Future”
IOCC Launches School Assistance Program in Kosovo's Isolated Enclaves
18, 2008 - Belgrade, Serbia - International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) announces a new
program to provide equipment and repairs to schools located in the most
isolated enclaves of Kosovo. This program, worth $30,000, will include repairs
and renovations to schools in Gorazdevac (Pec Municipality)
and Banje (Srbica Municipality). New equipment, including computers, will be provided for a school
in Velika Hoca (Orahovac Municipality), and science lab supplies will be provided for students in Suvo
Grlo (Srbica Municipality).
IOCC Serbia Program Manager Nenad Prelevic
says these villages are some of the poorest in Kosovo. "We chose to target
schools because we believe that if you provide for the youth, families will
have a greater incentive to stay in Kosovo," he said. "If there are young
people, there is a future."
IOCC Serbia has been implementing community development and
relief programs in Kosovo since 1993. This new project is designed to
capitalize on IOCC's previous community development assistance in the region.
Families returning to Kosovo from central Serbia
were recently provided with household appliances and food supplies.
"The villagers are very brave, and after nine years of
insecurity they are trying hard to live life as normally as possible," said
Prelevic. "We have to show them that we are thinking of their future in
To help in providing assistance to families in Kosovo, call
IOCC's donation hotline toll-free at
make a gift on-line at www.iocc.org, or mail a check or money order payable to
"IOCC" and write "Kosovo Assistance" in the memo line to: IOCC, P.O. Box
630225, Baltimore, Md. 21263-0225.
IOCC, founded in 1992 as the official humanitarian aid
agency of the Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas
(SCOBA), has implemented over $250 million in relief and development programs
in 33 countries around the world.
Source: http://www.soc.org.au