Letter of condolence

Letter of condolences to
Esteemed Mufti of Belgrade

Very Esteemed Mufti,

On the occasion of repose of the esteemed Reisul-Ulema of the Islamic Community of Serbia and longstanding Mufti of Belgrade, Hamdija Jusufspahic, and Your beloved parent, on behalf of the Serbian Orthodox Church and on Our own behalf We send Our most sincere condolences.to You, Venerable Mufti, and via Your personality to all the believers of the Islamic Community of Serbia,

The Serbian Orthodox Church had an honest friend in the person of late Mufti of blessed repose and the community gathered around him. We are especially grateful for Mufti's unreserved commitment for honest and good interpersonal relations, in particular for peace and prosperity among all the people of good will in Serbia, without exception, in one particularly challenging time for the people of Serbia.

In the person of Mufti of blessed repose the Islamic Community of Serbia has lost a great and wise man, but the consolation abides is legacy that will, we believe, continue the same way, and that is the way of peace and inter-religious understanding.

With respects towards Your respected family,