Celebration of Holy Epiphany in Australian Cities
6. January 2014 - 13:17Epiphany, in Greek “Theophania” or “Fota,” is one of the most important days for the Orthodox world and it is celebrated in January 6.
According to the Orthodox tradition, this day indicates the baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist in the Jordan River. Traditionally, a priest throws a cross in the water and the men of the area jump in to catch it. The first man who catches the holy cross will gain good luck and the blessing of the priest.
Orthodox cross to be erected in the Volga riverbed
6. January 2014 - 13:14This decision was made by the city administration together with the Diocese of Volgograd, reports
This was reported by the mayor of Volgograd Irina Guseva after a prayer service before the myrrh-streaming Icon of the Theotokos "Seven arrows", or "Softening of Evil Hearts", which was performed on January 2 in the Volgograd administration by Dean of the Kazan Cathedral Archpriest Vyacheslav Zhebelev, with the blessing of Metropolitan German of Volgograd and Kamyshin.
Rare book on His Holiness Patriarch Sergius (Stragorodsky) published
3. January 2014 - 13:00The "Petrovsky" publishing house has published a book entitled, His Holiness Patriarch Sergius. Life and Activities, written by Metropolitan John (Razumov) of Pskov and Porkhov, reports the Synodal Information Department of the Patriarchate of Moscow.
The book relates the life and activities of Patriarch Sergius, who was the head (locum tenens, and later patriarch) of the Russian Orthodox Church during very difficult years for the country—the 1930s and 1940s.
St. Tikhon`s Orthodox University will help St. Vladimir`s Seminary in the creation of the Institute of Sacred Arts
30. December 2013 - 13:00The management of St. Tikhon`s Orthodox University (PSTGU) and St. Vladimir`s Seminary of New York, USA met on October 12, 2013, in the Hall of the Academic Council of PSTGU. The University was represented by the Rector Archpriest Vladimir Vorobev, Vice President of Academic Affairs Minister Gennady Egorov, Vice-Rector for International Affairs Archpriest Georgij Orekhanov, Dean of the Faculty of Liturgical Arts Archpriest Alexander Saltykov, Head of the research center of theological history and education Suhova N.Yu., Head of the Department of Systematic Theology and patrology Mikhailov P.B., and the Head of the International Department Nichkova V.V. The delegation of the leading educational institution of the American Orthodox Church was composed by the seminary Dean Archpriest John Behr, Chancellor Archpriest Chad Hatfield and the Head of the publishing house Deacon Gregory Hatrak. Secretary of the Moscow Patriarchate Commission, which regulates student exchange, Fr John Kopejkin has accompanied the delegation of St. Vladimir’s Seminary.
His Holiness Patriarch Kirill congratulates Emperor Akihito of Japan on his 80th birthday
25. December 2013 - 11:35His Holiness Patriarch Kirill sent the following greeting to the Emperor Akihito of Japan with his 80th birthday:
His Imperial Majesty the Emperor Akihito of Japan
Your Majesty:
Please accept my heartfelt greetings with your 80th birthday.
You have dedicated your life to the service to Japan and its people. Largely thanks to your personal merits and work of the entire reigning dynasty, the country has become in the past years one of the most prosperous states of the world, in which a widely used modern technologies are combined with keeping the centuries-long traditions and customs.
A new dawn of hope
20. December 2013 - 12:39
Christmas Message 2013 from the World Council of Churches general secretary
In New Testament accounts of the Nativity, humble shepherds watch their flocks by night while wise scholars, travelling in the east, look up at the same night’s sky and discern something new amid the rotation of stars. They were all open for a move, to see something, someone that brings hope for the world.