Orthodox residents of Kosovo hope for Russian support
7. October 2010 - 9:04Deputy head of the Moscow Patriarchate Department for External Church Relations Archpriest Nikolay Balashov who has recently visited the enthronement of new Serbian Patriarch Irinej says Kosovo residents lay special hopes for support of Russians. "Russia's support, spiritual unity with Orthodox people of the Holy Rus' inspires hope in Orthodox people in Kosovo," Father Nikolay said on Wednesday in his interview to Interfax-Religion.
Bulgaria's Capital Celebrates St. Sofia Day
23. September 2010 - 10:51Bulgaria's capital celebrates Friday St. Sofia Day - the date when the Orthodox world pays homage to the Holy Martyrs Sofia and her three daughters Faith, Hope and Love. The September 17, 2010 events dedicated to the Day of Sofia will be opened with a parade starting at 11 am from the "Zaimov" park in downtown Sofia.
Orthodox Sacred Music Festival taking new heights
23. September 2010 - 10:44Estonia is known for its long tradition of big music and song festivals. An international festival of Orthodox sacred music, "Credo," has taken place in Estonia since 1994 and has, since then, been an important event of musical life every September. The festival's goal is the preservation, development and popularization of Orthodox musical culture. Masterly performances, a wide variety of concert programs and a considerable increase in the interest in Orthodox culture among the contemporary world, give promise of a great European-scale event.
Orthodox priest urges to carry out missionary work among immigrants in Russia
23. September 2010 - 10:40Rector of Sts Peter and Paul parish in Hong Kong Archpriest Dionisy Pozdnyayev believes the Orthodox Church can start adapting migrants in Russia. "There is so much talking about problems of immigration, about "attacking Islam", but why don't we establish a system of adapting migrants in Russia? It's evident that the country can't cope without workforce: migration is a normal process, we only need to control it and direct it," Fr. Dionisy told an Interfax-Religion correspondent on Wednesday.
Egyptian security forces storm the Monastery of St Macarius, three monks badly Injured
17. September 2010 - 9:08Hundreds of Egyptian security forces, backed by a large number of cars and armoured vehicles, attacked the monastery of St Macarius of Alexandria in Wadi Rayan, Fayoum Province, 150 kilometres south of Cairo. The action began at 8 pm on 7 September, but news about it only filtered recently. About 300 agents took part in the assault, using tear gas, batons and stones against monks, three of whom were seriously wounded.
According to the AINA news agency, security forces prevented the delivery of limestone bricks for the construction of cells for the monks inside the ancient Monastery. They also tried to seize the bricks already delivered but the monks sat on them, refusing to move.
Metropoltan Hilarion of Volokolamsk visits Head of the Anglican Church
13. September 2010 - 11:22
On Thursday, September 9, 2010, President of the Department of the external church relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, who upon the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kyrril of Moscow and All Russia was in London and met with the head of the Anglican Church, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, in his residence in Lambeth Palace.