The Moscow Patriarchate advises Protestants negating the hell to review Orthodox theologians
2. April 2008 - 8:13Today's Protestant theologians negate the hell because they aren't acquainted with the heritage of the Eastern holy fathers, the Russian Orthodox Church's representative to the European International Institutions Bishop Hilarion of Vienna and Austria believes.
Climate Change and International Security Report
2. April 2008 - 8:10The High Representative and the European Commission to the European Council produced this report for the European Council on climate change and security. The introduction states, "The report considers how the full range of EU instruments, including Community and CFSP/ESDP action, can be used alongside mitigation and adaptation policies to address the security risks. It also considers the implications for the intensification of political dialogue with third countries. A post-2012 agreement has to be developed by the end of 2009 and all levers of EU foreign relations must work towards this end.
Bishop Atanasije Clebrates Memorial Service for the Victims of the NATO Bombings Against Serbia
24. March 2008 - 10:08
At 12:30 p.m today, the 24th of March 2008, Rt. Rev. Bishop of
Hvostno Atanasije (Rakita) is to celebrate a Memorial service in occasion of
the 9th anniversary of the NATO bombings against our country. The service in
memory of the victims of this criminal act will be held in the Church of Saint
Mark in Belgrade. with the blessing of His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Pavle.
Archbishop Hilarion of Australia and New Zealand disquieted over Australian recognition of Kosovo
21. March 2008 - 14:59
The Sydney-based spiritual leader
of the Russian Orthodox Church in Australia and spokesman for the Russian
Community in Australia, , in a letter of 13 March 2008 to
Australia's Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, noted his observance of the actions of
the Australian government, which has joined but a minority of members of the
United Nations to legitimize the regime in Kosovo, with great disquiet.
Happy Easter
21. March 2008 - 9:56
Info service of the Holy Synod of Serbian Orthodox Church congratualte all the faithful of the Catholic, Evangelical and Reformated Church.
Easter is celebrated to memorialize the resurrection of Jesus Christ from his death three days after he was crucified and tortured on Good Friday. It is a Christian holiday and falls in springtime, marking the end of the Lent season. Easter is one of the most important and holiest holidays in the Christian almanac. Lent season is, in fact, forty-six-days long starting from Ash Wednesday and ending with Easter. The six Sundays falling under this period are not considered a part of Lent. Thus, though fasts are observed in this season, Sundays are excluded from the fast period as they are considered to be a commemoration of Easter Sunday.
Kosovo: “If There Are Young People, There Is A Future”
20. March 2008 - 11:50IOCC Launches School Assistance Program in Kosovo's Isolated Enclaves
18, 2008 - Belgrade, Serbia - International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) announces a new
program to provide equipment and repairs to schools located in the most
isolated enclaves of Kosovo. This program, worth $30,000, will include repairs
and renovations to schools in Gorazdevac (Pec Municipality)
and Banje (Srbica Municipality). New equipment, including computers, will be provided for a school
in Velika Hoca (Orahovac Municipality), and science lab supplies will be provided for students in Suvo
Grlo (Srbica Municipality).