Egypt regularises 53 churches built without a permit
9. March 2018 - 16:33Without a permit, the buildings were outside the law. A 1934 law prevented the construction of new Christian buildings. Under a new law adopted in 2016, Egyptian governors must justify whenever they reject an application. According to a local NGO, Egypt’s three main denominations (Orthodox, Evangelical, Catholic) have submitted in total 3,730 applications for regularised status.
Vatican issues 5 Euro coin for the first time
9. March 2018 - 16:30The Vatican’s Philatelic and Numismatic Office on Thursday released for the first time a €5 coin as a collector’s item. It commemorates 600 years of the famed cupola of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence. Mauro Olivieri, the head of the Philatelic and Numismatic Office speaks about the other novelties coming up.
Historic Georgian church in Turkey’s Erzurum to be restored
7. March 2018 - 19:18The historic Öşvank Church, built in the 10th century by the descendants of Georgian King Kuropalat Adernese in the eastern province of Erzurum’s Uzundere district, is set to undergo a significant restoration process this year. The restoration will be kicked off following initial structural surveys of the structure and its surroundings. Built between 963-973 in what is today the Çamlıyamaç neighborhood of Uzundere, the church’s walls, ornaments and columns have gradually been weathered and damaged over time.
Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman of Saudi Arabia Visits Pope Tawadros II and the Coptic Orthodox Cathedral in Cairo
7. March 2018 - 10:39Cairo,Egypt, 6.03.2018 - For the first time in history, a high-level delegation led by His Highness Mohammad bin Salman – Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia met His Holiness Pope Tawadros II – Patriarch of the See of St. Mark the Evangelist in Alexandria & Primate of the Coptic Orthodox Church.
Orthodox Orphanage in Guatemala wins legal right to stay on its property
2. March 2018 - 16:42
Mother Inés’, the abbess of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Amatitlan, Guatemala, and head of the Hogar Rafael Ayau Orphanage in Guatemala City, has released a joyous letter announcing the favorable end to the legal battles that embroiled the orphanage over the past year. The letter has been posted on the Friends of the Hogar Rafael Ayau website and Facebook page.
Archaeologists find possible physical evidence of Prophet Isaiah
28. February 2018 - 9:43A recent article from “Biblical Archaeology Review” makes the claim that archaeologists have recently uncovered the first physical evidence for the existence of the holy Prophet Isaiah.
As Candida Moss writes in a Daily Beast article, the proposed evidence is a .4 inch-long piece of clay impressed with a seal, which appears to bear the inscription “Isaiah the Prophet.” The small evidence was found when a team headed by Eliat Mazar decided to excavate a previously undisturbed pile of debris.