70th birthday of HRH Crown Prince Alexander
20. July 2015 - 10:31
His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, attended yesterday evening at the Royal Palace a Gala Dinner on the occasion of the 70th birthday of His Royal Crown Prince Alexander, which was hosted by Crown Princess Katherine and their children Hereditary Prince Peter, Prince Philip, Prince Alexander, David and Alison; and grandchildren Amanda and Michael for dignitaries from around the world, representatives of political, public and cultural life of our country, members of the Advisory Bodies of the Crown, friends and admirers of the Royal Family.
The birthday celebration was graced by the presence of: Their Majesties King Carl XVI Gustav and Queen Silvia of Sweden (His Majesty is the head of state of Sweden), His Serene Highness Prince Albert of Monaco (head of state of Monaco) in his first visit to Serbia, Her Majesty Queen Mother Sofia of Spain, Their Majesties Czar Simeon II and Czarina Margarita of the Bulgarians, Their Royal Highnesses Crown Princess Margarita and Prince Radu of Romania, His Royal Highness Prince Nikola Petrovic Njegos of Montenegro, Their Royal Highnesses Prince Raad Bin Zaed and Princess Majda Bin Zaed of Jordan, His Royal Highness Prince Ludwig and Princess Marianna of Baden, His Highness Prince Aga Khan Amin, His Royal Highness Prince Nikola (the son of HRH Prince Tomislav), Her Highness Princess Ira of Fürstenberg, His Royal Highness Prince Serge (the son of HRH Prince Alexander), Their Highnesses Prince Pierre and Princess Sylvia d’Arenberg, Ms. Victoria De Silva (the granddaughter of HRH Prince Tomislav), Sir Desmond de Silva Q.C, P.C.
Eighty Years of Indo–Serbian Orthodox Relations & Saint Dositej Vasić of Zagreb
18. July 2015 - 10:31(Additional Note: In 2010 Metropolitan Gregorious Gabriel of Trivandrum of the Indian Orthodox Malanakra Church attended the Enthronement of the Serbian Patriarch His Holiness Irinej at the Patriarchate of Pec in the Serbian Province Kosovo. The Above displayed picture of the visit of His Holiness Geevarghse II to Serbia was presented a special gift to Patriarch Irinej. The gift was prepared by Orthodoxy Cognate PAGE. Apart from that Fr Dr K M George of India visited Patriarch Irinej a few years back. OCP Secretary George Alexander met with with His Eminence Metropolitan Porfirije of Zagreb-Ljubljana of the Serbian Orthodox Church at Thessaloniki in 2014. Hence three personalities of Indian Orthodox origin were able to renew the historic connection between two churches).
Ecumenism was something novel in the Christian world a century ago. While every denomination was nesting in their doctrinal shell, Inter-Church relations was absurd. Politics, lack of communication and transport kept the Orthodox Churches away from interaction amid them. Perhaps except in the Holy city of Jerusalem, it was almost zilch till the middle of the twentieth century, where also the relation remained hostile most of the time.
“The Acts of the Ottoman Empire against Armenians and other Christian Communities in 1915 can only be defined as Genocide,” stated His Holiness Aram I
15. July 2015 - 9:38On July 6 2015, a three-day conference on the Syriac Genocide, entitled “Martyrdom and Faith,” began at Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, Lebanon, in the presence of six Christian Religious Heads of the region. During the opening session, His Holiness Aram I spoke to the conference, addressing the following points:
Press Conference Explaining the Lawsuit of the Catholicosate of Cilicia filed with the Turkish Constitutional Court
13. July 2015 - 14:37“The main purpose of the lawsuit is to demand the return of the See of the Catholicosate of Cilicia and not financial compensation,” stated Prof. Sofuoglu
1 July 2015. On Wednesday morning, a Press Conference organized by the Communication Department of the Catholicosate of Cilicia was held at the Cilicia Museum Hall for the representatives of Lebanese media. Very Rev. Housig Mardirossian welcomed the journalists and introduced the speakers, Prof. Cem Sofuoglu, legal expert on confiscated properties in Turkey, Dr Nora Bayrakdarian, professor at the Lebanese University, Dr. Taner Akçam, historian and expert on the Armenian Genocide. Very Rev. Mardirossian expressed his regrets that Dr. Payam Akhavan, an International human rights lawyer, could not arrive on time for the conference.
Russia Announces New Efforts to Identify and Bury Remains of Last Tsar's Children
13. July 2015 - 11:06Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has tasked a working group with studying and reburying the remains of two members of the Russian Imperial family who were murdered by Bolshevik revolutionaries almost 100 years ago.
Tsesarevich Alexei Nicholayevich and his sister Grand Duchess Maria Nicholayevna were murdered along with their other siblings and parents — Emperor Nicholas II and the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna — and four family retainers in the basement of the Ipatiev House where they had been imprisoned in the Ural Mountains city of Ekaterinburg in 1918 as White army forces closed in on the city.
ISIS Blows Up Historic Christian Church in Mosul, Killing Four Children
13. July 2015 - 10:55
Islamic State militants have reportedly killed four children as they destroyed an historic Christian church in the Iraqi city of Mosul.
ISIS Blows Up Historic Christian Church in Mosul, Killing Four Children
Islamic State militants are known for brainwashing children into joining their group, says a UN children’s representative. The organization says the militant faction are looking to “foster a new generation of supporters,” amongst young Syrians and Iraqis.