The Serbian Patriarch visited Basilica of Saint Stephen in Budapest

The Serbian Patriarch visited Basilica of Saint Stephen in Budapest
The Serbian Patriarch visited Basilica of Saint Stephen in Budapest
The Serbian Patriarch visited Basilica of Saint Stephen in Budapest
The Serbian Patriarch visited Basilica of Saint Stephen in Budapest

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, visited the Basilica of Saint Stephen in Budapest on 25 May 2019, where he was greeted  by Bishop Snell György who informed the high guest and his delegation about the history of this famous basilica and presented him the saintly life of its patron, the first Hungarian Christian king Stephen.

On the same day, Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to Hungary Mr. Ivan Todorov arranged a reception for the Serbian Pariarch and the members of the Church delegation, Bishop Lukijan of Buda and Vicar Bishop Isihije of Mohacs, at the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Budapest. The reception was attended also by Secretary General of the President of Serbia Mr. Nikola Selakovic, Director of the Office for Cooperation with Churches and Religious Communities Mr. Mileta Radojevic and lieutenant colonel Dusko Djekic, military attaché of the Republic of Serbia to Hungary.

113th Anniversary and Slava celebration of Saint Nicholas Church in Johnstown

113th Anniversary and Slava celebration of Saint Nicholas Church in Johnstown
113th Anniversary and Slava celebration of Saint Nicholas Church in Johnstown
113th Anniversary and Slava celebration of Saint Nicholas Church in Johnstown
113th Anniversary and Slava celebration of Saint Nicholas Church in Johnstown

St Nicholas Church of Johnstown, Pennsylvania celebrated their 113th Anniversary and Slava on Sunday, May 19, 2019.

The day began with Divine Liturgy served by Father Milan Dragovic with responses being sung by the St. Nicholas Choir and Cantor Danica Wess. The Kumovi; Donna Zimmerman and Family, the entire parish and guests made the Patronal Procession around the church and continued inside with the blessing of the Slavski Kolac.

Serbian Patriarch Irinej ceremoniously received in Budapest

Serbian Patriarch Irinej ceremoniously received in Budapest
Serbian Patriarch Irinej ceremoniously received in Budapest
Serbian Patriarch Irinej ceremoniously received in Budapest
Serbian Patriarch Irinej ceremoniously received in Budapest

His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej arrived to the church of Saint Great-martyr  George  in Budapest, in the evening on Friday, May 24, 2019, where he was welcomed by Bishop Lukian of Buda with clergy and a great number of people, who gathered to greet their  Archhierarch.

His Grace Bishop Dr. Irinej of Bachka and his Vicar Bishop Isihije of Mohacs were distinguished members of the high delegation visiting the Diocese of Buda.

Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius Equal to the Apostles

Saints Cyril and Methodius were brothers from Thessalonica of distinguished and wealthy parents, Leo and Maria. The older brother Methodius spent ten years as an officer among the Macedonian Slavs and thus learned the Slavic language. After that Methodius withdrew to Mount Olympus and dedicated himself to the monastic life of asceticism. It was here that Cyril (Constantine) later joined him. When the Khazarite king, Kagan, requested preachers of the Faith of Christ from Emperor Michael III then, by command of the emperor, these two brothers were found and sent among the Khazars. Convincing King Kagan of the Faith of Christ, they baptized him along with a great number of his chief assistants and even a greater number of the people. After a period of time, they returned to Constantinople where they compiled the Slavonic alphabet consisting of thirty-eight letters and proceeded to translate ecclesiastical books from Greek into Slavonic. At the request of Prince Rastislav, they traveled to Moravia where they spread and established the devout Faith and multiplied books and distributed them to the priests to teach the youth. At the request of the pope, Cyril traveled to Rome where he became ill and died on February 14, 867 A.D. Then Methodius returned to Moravia and labored to strengthen the Faith of Christ among the Slavs until his death. Following his death - he died in the Lord on April 6, 885 A.D. - his disciples, THE FIVE FOLLOWERS, with St. Clement, the bishop at the head, crossed the Danube River and descended to the south into Macedonia, where from Ohrid they continued their labor among the Slavs begun by Cyril and Methodius in the north. 

The Communique of the Holy Assembly of Bishops

The Communique of the Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church from their regular meeting held at Zica Monastery and in Belgrade, May 9-18, 2019

This year’s regular meeting of the Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church began on May 9, 2019 in Monastery Zica, the first headquarters of the autocephalous Serbian Church, while the 800th anniversary of autocephaly, full Church independence, that great gift from God and great achievement of Saint Sava, we celebrate this year. After the Holy conciliar Hierarchical Liturgy and the Invocation of the Holy Spirit at the monastery church of Zica Monastery, the first sessions, under the presidency of His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej, were held at the monastery, May 9-10, 2019, while beginning May 11th the Assembly continued its work at the Patriarchate in Belgrade. Participating in the Assembly were all diocesan hierarchs of the Serbian Orthodox Church with the exception of Bishop Luka of Western Europe.

St Sava in NYC begins roof erection

St Sava in NYC begins roof erection
St Sava in NYC begins roof erection
St Sava in NYC begins roof erection
St Sava in NYC begins roof erection

Builder Frank Sciame to oversee the largest post-fire ecclesiastical restoration in NYC in more than 165 years.

May 20, 2019, NEW YORK, NY – The Building Committee of the Serbian Orthodox Cathedral of St Sava in NYC announced today, the day following the Feast of the Transfer of the Relics of Saint Sava, that it has begun site work of the complex process to erect a replacement roof on the historic Richard Upjohn church which was originally built in 1854.