The Prizren Cathedral celebrated its Patron saint

The Prizren Cathedral celebrated its Patron saint
The Prizren Cathedral celebrated its Patron saint
The Prizren Cathedral celebrated its Patron saint
The Prizren Cathedral celebrated its Patron saint

The Cathedral Church of the Holy Great Martyr George celebrated solemnly its patron saint by the Divine Liturgy officiated by the Bishop of Raska-Prizren Theodosije with some clergymen of this Diocese.

A choir of pupils of the Prizren Theological Seminary enhanced the solemnity by their chanting. Quite a number of priests from Prizren, guests, abbots, abbesses, monks and priests of the Diocese of Raska-Prizren attended this Liturgy.

Easter Tuesday in the church of Synaxis of All Serbian Saints

Easter Tuesday in the church of Synaxis of All Serbian Saints
Easter Tuesday in the church of Synaxis of All Serbian Saints
Easter Tuesday in the church of Synaxis of All Serbian Saints
Easter Tuesday in the church of Synaxis of All Serbian Saints

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch officiated the solemn Hierarchal Liturgy in the church of Synaxis of All Serbian Saints in Karaburma, on Easter Tuesday, 30 April 2019.

Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!

Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!
Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!
Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!
Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch officiated the Holy Hierarchal LIturgy at the Cathedral church of Saint Sava on the feast day of the Resurrection of the Lord, 28 April 2019. 

In a prayerful attendance of His Grace Bishop Stefan of Remesiana, Vicar of the Serbian Patriarch and the head of the Saint Sava Cathedral, His Holiness was concelebrated by many priests.

Serbian Patriarch serves in St. Mark's church on Holy Saturday

Serbian Patriarch serves in St. Mark's church on Holy Saturday
Serbian Patriarch serves in St. Mark's church on Holy Saturday
Serbian Patriarch serves in St. Mark's church on Holy Saturday
Serbian Patriarch serves in St. Mark's church on Holy Saturday

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch officiated the solemn Liturgy in the churhc of Holy Apostle and evangelist Mark in Belgrade on Great and Holy Saturday, 27 April 2019.   

Holy Saturday

Holy Saturday
Holy Saturday
Holy Saturday
Holy Saturday

On Great and Holy Saturday the Orthodox Church commemorates the burial of Christ and His descent into Hades. It is the day between the Crucifixion of our Lord and His glorious Resurrection. The Matins of Holy Saturday is conducted on Friday evening, and while many elements of the service represent mourning at the death and burial of Christ, the service itself is one of watchful expectation.

Commemoration of Holy Saturday

On Great and Holy Saturday the Church contemplates the mystery of the Lord's descent into Hades, the place of the dead. Death, our ultimate enemy, is defeated from within. "He (Christ) gave Himself as a ransom to death in which we were held captive, sold under sin. Descending into Hades through the Cross ... He loosed the bonds of death" (Liturgy of St. Basil).

Holy Friday Epitaphion Service on Vracar

Holy Friday Epitaphion Service on Vracar
Holy Friday Epitaphion Service on Vracar
Holy Friday Epitaphion Service on Vracar
Holy Friday Epitaphion Service on Vracar

HIs Grace Bishop Stefan of Remesiana, Vicar of the Serbian Patriarch and head of the Saint Sava Cathedral served on Great Friday, Vesper service and Epitaphion service in the church of Saint Sava on Vracar.