Best wishes for Christians who celebrate Easter according to Western paschalia

On the occasion of the forthcoming radiant Feast-day of Resurrection of Christ, which Western Christians celebrate according to Western tradition (Paschalia), the Editorial board of the Information Service of the Serbian Orthodox Church uses this opportunity to congratulate them the forthcoming bright feast days of the Resurrection of Christ with the joyful greeting:

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!

The Raising of Lazarus (Lazarus Saturday)

Lazarus Saturday and Palm Sunday

Visible triumphs are few in the earthly life of our Lord Jesus Christ. He preached a kingdom “not of this world.” At His nativity in the flesh there was “no room at the inn.” For nearly thirty years, while He grew “in wisdom and in stature, and in favor with God and man” (Luke 2:52), He lived in obscurity as “the son of Mary.” When He appeared from Nazareth to begin His public ministry, one of the first to hear of Him asked: “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” (John 1:46). In the end He was crucified between two thieves and laid to rest in the tomb of another man.

Patriarch Irinej solemnly welcomed in Gracanica monastery

After touching encounters with the Serbs in Strpce and Kosovsko Pomoravlje, His Holiness Patriarch visited the Gracanica Monastery on 16 April 2019.

Serbian Patriarch Irinej was solemnly greeted in Gracanica monastery by Bishop Teodosije of Raska-Prizren with abbess Stephanida as well as the sisterhood of the Gracanica.

Following the prayer in the church of the Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God, the Serbian Patriarch met with a great group of children and the faithful from Gracanica and its area and addressed to them words of encouragement and hope, and presented them small icons.

The Primate of the Serbian Church had conversations with the abbess and representatives of the Municipality of Gracanica.

In the evening the Serbian Patriarch Irinej, accompanied by Bishop Teodosije, arrived to the Banjska Monastery in Northern Kosovo and Metochia, where he was welcomed by Archimandrite Danilo with his brotherhood and the faithful of that area.

Patriarch Irinej visiting Kosovo Pomoravlje

The Serbian Patriarch visited the Serbs in Kosovo Pomoravlje on 15 April 2019.

It was the first visit of the Serbian Patriarch to Kosovo Pomoravlje in the recent history. After the visit to the Serbian enclave settlement in Strbac, His Holiness Patriarch visited village Stanishor near Gnjilane, where he was welcomed by several hundreds of faithful in front of the Music school Stevan Hristic.

In honour of His Holiness pupils and professors gave a concert during which young music talents presented themselves who have been winning numerous awards at school competitions throughout Serbia for many years.

After Stanishor, Patriarch Irinej, accompanied by Bishop Teodosije, clergy and monks of the Diocese of Raska-Prizren, went to the Draganac Monastery, where he was welcomed by more than three hundred believers despite the heavy showers.
Later Patriarch Irinej visited a church in Bostan located nearby an ancient city of Novo Brdo. In front of the church the Primate of the Serbian Church was welcomed by a hundred of faithful from that area.

After the church, His Holiness visited to the church-people’s kitchen of the Diocese of Raska-PrizrenMother of the Nine Yugovichs in Prekovac, where His Holiness, besides Bishop Teodosije and the manager Svetlana Stevic, was welcomed by a lot of people. From Prekovac the Patriarch went to the Gracanica Monastery.

The Patriarch visits the Serbs in Strpce

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, visited the Serbs in Strpce on Kosovo and Metochia on 15 April 2019.The Serbian Patriarch was welcomed in the church-courtyard by His Grace Bishop Teodosije of Raska-Prizren with the clergy and many faithful people of the Sirinic county.

“I am happy and grateful to God for being with you here today. Although I lived in Prizren for many years I am today for the first time here in your beautiful place, and I am delighted at seeing a lot of you. You are here on your own and should know that your Church, all of us, our people wherever they live have always been with you and always will be.

Be sure that you are not forgotten! Stay here, in your country, in your home, in your homeland”, the Patriarch said.

The Serbian Patriarch in Prizren

His Holiness the Patriarch visited the Holy Archangels Monastery not far from Prizren, foundation of Serbian Emperor Dusan, and got familiar with the renovation works of this great sanctuary that has been destroyed many time throughout the history. The Patriarch was welcomed by abbot Mihailo and his brotherhood.

Patriarch Irinej then visited, according to his words, one of the most beautiful Orthodox churches - the Church of the Virgin Mary of Leviska, which is under the protection of the UNESCO.

Together with Bishop Teodosije, the Patriarch was welcomed by the principal of the shrine, Reverend Djordje Stefanovic.

Having visited these ancient Serbian sacred places, Patriarch Irinej arrived into the famous Prizren Theological School, which he himself attended and for longer than a decade was a teacher and Principal of this well-known Church educational institution.

It was in Prizren that the Head of the Serbian Orthodox Church attended the evening worship in the Cathedral of St. George located in the centre of the city..