Historical day for the Serbian Orthodox Church in Innsbruck
23. November 2018 - 9:41A contract on a gift of a new church for the Serbian Orthodox Church in Innsbruck was signed on 20 November 2018.
The Church-School Community of Innsbruck was founded in 1992 and since then it has used a rented church in that town. After many years of searching for the permanent solution, the Church-School Community of Innsbruck received a magnificent invaluable church in the center of the city as a gift from the Roman Catholic Order of the Redemptorists.
Patron Saint-day of the Saint Archangel Michael Church in Belgrade
22. November 2018 - 13:58His Holiness Irinej Serbian Patriarch Iinej officiated the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the Cathedral church in Belgrade on 21 November 2018, on the feast-day of the Synaxis of the Archangel Michael and the Other Bodiless Powers.
At the magnificent Liturgy the Patriarch was concelebrated by
Chapel of Holy Unmercenary Healers in the Military Hospital in Nis consecrated
20. November 2018 - 14:29In the year when the 140th anniversary of the existence and work of the Military Hospital in Nis and 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War is marked, and in the glory of the ancestors, founders of the Serbian medicine and all those who gave their lives for the liberty of the Homeland, members of the Military Hospital of Nis celebrated their patron Saint-day.
In the complex of the Military Hospital, there is a chapel of Holy Unmercenary Healers Cosmas and Damian, built in 1918 near Cele-Kula monument. The chapel was built in order to meet
Serbian Patriarch receives Ambassador of Serbia in Hungary
20. November 2018 - 9:52
His Holiness Irinej,
Position of the Serbian Orthodox Church on the Church Crisis in Ukraine After the Newest Decisions by the Patriarchate of Constantinople
20. November 2018 - 9:37The two-day meeting of the Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church (November 6-7, 2018) was dedicated to three topics - the state in Kosovo and Metohija, the improvement of education in the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Church crisis in Ukraine after the recent decisions of the Patriarchate of Constantinople.
The Church's vision of the state in Kosovo and Metohija, as well as its perspective on the struggle in preserving the suffering Serbian province within the make-up of Serbia, under the constant provocation by the leadership of the false state and the constant pressures of the great Western powers, the Assembly of Bishops has already pointed out in its encyclical here.
The Order of Holy King Milutin to Mr. Mileta Radojevic
17. November 2018 - 20:52I will do my best to help the Diocese of Sumadija as well as the other dioceses of the Serbian Orthodox Church, which is the policy of the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Justice, said Dr. Mileta Radojevic, Director of the Office for Cooperation with Churches and Religious Communities, receiving the high Church decoration.
His Grace Bishop Jovan of Sumadija celebrated the Feast of the Renovation of the Church of St. George as his Patron saint in the Diocesan Residence in Kragujevac on 16 November 2018. On that occasion he handed in the Order of St. King Milutin to Mr. Mileta Radojevic, Director of the Office for Cooperation with Churches and Religious Communities at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Serbia.