The Placing of the Honorable Robe of the Most Holy Mother of God at Blachernae

The Placing of the Venerable Robe of the Most Holy Theotokos at Blachernae: During the reign of the Byzantine Emperor Leo the Great (457-474), the brothers Galbius and Candidus, associates of the emperor, set out from Constantinople to Palestine to venerate the holy places.

In a small settlement near Nazareth they stayed in the home of a certain old Jewish woman. In her house they noticed a room where many lamps were lit, incense burned, and sick people were gathered. When they asked her what the room contained, the pious woman did not want to give an answer for a long time. After persistent requests, she said that she had a very precious sacred item: the Robe of the Mother of God, which performed many miracles and healings. Before Her Dormition the Most Holy Virgin bequeathed one of her garments to a pious Jewish maiden, an ancestor of the old woman, instructing her to leave it to another virgin after her death. Thus, the Robe of the Mother of God was preserved in this family from generation to generation.

Ecumenical Patriarchate elects Metropolitan of Ancyra for first time since 1922

The Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate elected three new metropolitans at its session Tuesday, including the election of a Metropolitan of Ancyra for the first time since 1922. The Metropolis of Ancyra was a metropolitan see of Galatia Prima. It survived the Seljuk Turkish conquest at the end of the 11th century, and remained active until the end of the Ottoman Empire and the population exchange between Greece and Turkey in 1923. The last bishop of Ancyra was His Eminence Metropolitan Constantine (1922-1934), who resided in Istanbul following the population exchange. 

The Centennial Anniversary of the “Day of Prayer for Serbia” in Washington

  Under the spiritual patronage of the Bishop of Eastern American, His Grace Irinej, the Serbian Orthodox Church in North and South America is organizing a multi-day celebration of these significant events in Washington DC.

On July 28, 1918 the government of Woodrow Wilson, the President of the United States of America, issued a proclamation marking that day "A Day of Prayer for Serbia". It was determined that on that day the Serbian flag would wave at the White House and that church bells throughout America would ring in honor of Serbian victims of World War I. A large number of Serbs from America had left their families and homes in the New World, desiring to help their brothers in the battle for honor and freedom in the homeland and join the Serbian army. Many of them never returned. Recognizing their sacrifices and love for the Serbian people, but remembering the great friends of our people in America, the Serbian Orthodox Church is organizing a celebration of the 100th Anniversary of President Wilson's proclamation, the breakthrough of the Salonika Front and the end of the World War I.

The Lives of Saints Peter and Paul


The son of Jonah and brother of Andrew the First-Called, of the tribe of Simeon and the town of Bethsaida, he was a fisherman and was at first called Simon, but the Lord was pleased to call him Cephas, or Peter (Jn 1:42). He was the first of the disciples to give clear expression to his faith in the Lord Jesus, saying: "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God" (Mt 16:16). His love for the Lord was very strong, and his faith in Him went from strength to strength.

When the Lord was put on trial, Peter denied him three times, but it needed only one look into the face of the Lord, and Peter's soul was filled with shame and repentance. After the descent of the Holy Spirit, Peter became a fearless and powerful preacher of the Gospel. After his first sermon in Jerusalem, about 3,000 souls were converted to the Faith. He preached the Gospel throughout Palestine and Asia Minor, in Italy and Illyria. He performed many wonders, healing the sick and raising the dead, and even his shadow had the power of healing the sick. He had a major struggle with Simon the Magician, who declared himself to be from God but was actually a servant of the devil. He finally put him to shame and overcame him.

A High Church Distinction for Mrs. Eleonora Mitrofanova

A High Church Distinction for Mrs. Eleonora Mitrofanova
A High Church Distinction for Mrs. Eleonora Mitrofanova
A High Church Distinction for Mrs. Eleonora Mitrofanova
A High Church Distinction for Mrs. Eleonora Mitrofanova

The Serbian Patriarch decorated Mrs. Eleonora Mitrofanova with the Order of Holy Empress Milica – Venerable Eugenia. The Russian state and the Russian Orthodox Church continue to help interior decoration of the Memorial Cathedral of Saint Sava in Belgrade.

On the occasion of celebrating the Day of family, love and fidelity, July 9th, 2018, His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej visited the Russian Cultural Centre (the Russian House) in Belgrade, where he was cordially welcomed by protopresbyter Vitaly Tarasyev, principal of the church of Holy Trinity of the Representation of the Russian Orthodox Church in Belgrade, and Mrs. Nadezda Kuschenkova, Director of the Russian House. After a short reception in the solemn salon, where Mr. Aleksadar Schepurin, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Belgrade, attended the cordial talks, His Holiness with his entourage and hosts moved to the solemn hall of the Russian House.

The Serbian Patriarch received an US official

The Serbian Patriarch received an US official
The Serbian Patriarch received an US official
The Serbian Patriarch received an US official
The Serbian Patriarch received an US official

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, received Mr. Pete Marocco, Deputy Assistant Secretary and Senior Bureau Official for the Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations (CSO) at the Serbian Patriarchate in Belgrade on 9 July 2018.

The American official thanked His Holiness for the reception during which they discussed about promoting inter-religious dialogue, improving coexistence between adherents of different religions and preservation of religious shrines from destruction and desecration.