High Church medals for SAJ and its commandeer
11. April 2018 - 9:16High Church medals to the Special Anti-Terrorist Unit (SAJ) of the Serbian Ministry of the Internal Affairs and its Commandeer Colonel Spasoje Vulevic.
On the third day of the greatest Christian feast-day – the Resurrection of the Lord, 10 April 2018, His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej celebrated the Holy Liturgy in the presence of many believers in the church of Saint Stephen of Dechani at Batajnica, n. Belgrade. On this occasion, the Serbian Patriarch awarded the Special Anti-Terrorist Unit (as a institution) and its Commandeer Colonel Spasoje Vulevic (as an individual) with high Church medals – the Order of Holy King Milutin -for remarkable contribution in building the church of St. Stephen the Decani.
Midnight Easter Liturgy at St Sava Cathedral
10. April 2018 - 13:16Following the Matin, the midnight Easter Liturgy was officiated by High Venerable Archimandrite Stefan (Saric), dean of the Memorial cathedral of the Serbian people, at the crypt of the Saint Sava Cathedral in the Vracar district on 8 April 2018.
СHe was concelebrated by presbyters Predrag Prodic, Branislav Klickovic and deacons Sinisa Duvnjak and Radomir Vrucinic.
Easter Monday at Rakovica Monastery
10. April 2018 - 11:17His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, officiated the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy at Rakovica Monastery on 9 April 2018.
Christ is Risen! Truly, He is Risen!
8. April 2018 - 19:32His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch officiated the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy at the Memorial Cathedral of Saint Sava on Vracar on 8 April 2018, on the feast day of the Resurrection of the Lord.
Holy Fire Has Descended in Church of Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem
7. April 2018 - 14:37The Holy Fire has descended in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, as seen on the live stream on the Facebook page of the Jerusalem Patriarchate and on RIA-Novosti.
The Holy Light descended at about 2:20 PM (7:20 AM Eastern Standard time).
The Holy Fire appeared in the edicule (the small chapel built over the burial place of Christ) just a few minutes after the Orthodox patriarch of Jerusalem, Theophilos III, entered there to patiently pray and wait. The edicule was newly-restored for the first time in centuries just in time for the Holy Fire service and Pascha last year, and was consecrated on March 22 last year after nine months of work.
Great and Holy Friday at Cathedral church in Belgrade
7. April 2018 - 13:39His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch officiated the Vesper service with the service of the Epitaphion at the Cathedral church of Holy Archangel Michael in Belgrade on on Great Friday, 6 April 2018.