Pakrac: Vigil Service in honor of the New Martyrs of Jasenovac

Pakrac: Vigil Service in honor of the New Martyrs of Jasenovac
Pakrac: Vigil Service in honor of the New Martyrs of Jasenovac
Pakrac: Vigil Service in honor of the New Martyrs of Jasenovac
Pakrac: Vigil Service in honor of the New Martyrs of Jasenovac

On the eve of the feast-day of the New Martyrs of the Jasenovac and on the occasion of the 73th anniversary of the breakthrough of the last Jasenovac prisoners, clergy and faithful people of Pakrac, Slavonia,  gathered in Pakrac on April 21, 2018 to celebrate a vigil service.

On that occasion, in the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity a festive evening service was officiated by His Grace Jovan Bishop of Pakrac-Slavonia, along Rev. Djordje Ostojic,  parish priest from Daruvar, and  deacon Milan Jovic.

Open House and Dedication in Oakland

 Open House and Dedication in Oakland
 Open House and Dedication in Oakland
 Open House and Dedication in Oakland
 Open House and Dedication in Oakland

Open House and Dedication at the St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Oakland, California

The entire week following Easter is to be set aside by Orthodox Christians for the celebration of the Resurrection. According to the 66th canon of the Council in Trullo: “From the holy day of the Resurrection of Christ our God until New Sunday (i.e. Thomas Sunday) for a whole week the faithful in the holy churches should continually be repeating psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, rejoicing and celebrating Christ, and attending to the reading of the Divine Scriptures and delighting in the Holy Mysteries. For in this way shall we be exalted with Christ; raised up together with Him. For this reason on the aforesaid days that by no means there be any horse races or any other public spectacle”.

Lebanon Celebrates 102nd Slava

Lebanon Celebrates 102nd Slava
Lebanon Celebrates 102nd Slava
Lebanon Celebrates 102nd Slava
Lebanon Celebrates 102nd Slava

On April 15, 2018 and the day when our Church celebrates the Sunday of St Thomas (Antipascha), our Parish Church of the Holy Resurrection of Christ in Lebanon, PA, celebrated its 102 Annual Slava.

We were blessed to have in our midst our Bishop and Father, His Grace Irinej, who served the Divine Hierarchical Liturgy with our parish priest presbyter Borjan Vitanov, the V. Rev Father Christopher Rocknage, the parish priest from St. Nicholas in Steelton with his parishioners who sung during the service and deacon Milos Zdralich.

OCP Secretary Visits the Serbian Patriarchate

OCP Secretary Visits the Serbian Patriarchate
OCP Secretary Visits the Serbian Patriarchate
OCP Secretary Visits the Serbian Patriarchate
OCP Secretary Visits the Serbian Patriarchate

George Alexander, Secretary of Orthodoxy Cognate PAGE (Pan-Orthodox Christian Society) visited the Information Services department of the Serbian Orthodox Church on 12th April 2018.

Archdeacon Radomir Rarric, the chief of Dept. received OCP Secretary. The visit was part of strengthening the existing fraternal relations between the department of Information Services of Serbian Patriarchate and the Public Relations and Information Services dept. of Orthodoxy Cognate PAGE. Archdeacon Radomir was presented with the icon of three saints, copy of Orthodox Dilemma, and traditional Kerala lamp. George was presented with a New Testament copy of the Serbian version of the Holy Bible. Vukica Pavicevic, aide to the Secretary in Belgrade was present for the occasion.

The Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church convened

The Holy |Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church will commence its regular convocation by the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy and the Invocation of the Holy Spirit in the church of the Holy Apostles in Patriarchate of Pec on April 29, 2018.

The working part of the Assembly will begin in the Patriarchate of Pec itself after the Holy Liturgy to be celebrated on April 30, 2018. and will continue at the Patriarchate Palace in Belgrade on May 1, 2018.

Meeting of the Managing Board of the Serbian Patriarchate Library

Meeting of the Managing Board of the Library of the Serbian Patriarchate, chaired by His Holiness Patriarch of Serbia Irinej, was held in the Serbian Patriarchate in Belgrade on April 17, 2018.

The director of the Library of the Serbian Patriarchate, Dr. Zoran Nedeljkovic, submitted a report on the work of the Library during the previous year, giving a survey in detail about all the professional activities and projects that are being performed in the Library of the Serbian Patriarchate, about the work and performance of employees as well as about the future activities that should be implemented.