Venerable Mary of Egypt

This Life of Our Venerable Mother Mary of Egypt was written down in the seventh century by Saint Sophronius, Patriarch of Jerusalem, some hundred years after the repose of the holy Mary, who fell asleep in the Lord April 1, 522. It is one of the most beautiful and edifying lives of a saint. Its obvious and stated purpose is to glorify God and to feed the souls of its readers. St. Sophronius lifts up the life of blessed Mary as a most wondrous example of repentance for all the faithful. Indeed, the Church has lifted up this life before all the faithful on the Fifth Sunday of the Great Fast, the Sunday before Palm Sunday. It is both a challenge and an inspiration to us. It shows us what a human being is capable of when she works with the all-powerful saving and forgiving grace of our all-loving God.

St. Gregory Dialogus, the Pope of Rome

Saint Gregory Dialogus, Pope of Rome, was born in Rome around the year 540. His grandfather was Pope Felix, and his mother Sylvia (November 4) and aunts Tarsilla and Emiliana were also numbered among the saints by the Roman Church. Having received a most excellent secular education, he attained high government positions.

Leading a God-pleasing life, he yearned for monasticism with all his soul. After the death of his father, Saint Gregory used his inheritance to establish six monasteries. At Rome he founded a monastery dedicated to the holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called, where he received monastic tonsure. Later, on a commission of Pope Pelagius II, Saint Gregory lived for a while in Constantinople. There he wrote his Commentary on the Book of Job.

Venerable Simeon the New Theologian

Saint Simeon the New Theologian was born in the year 949 in the city of Galatea (Paphlagonia), and he was educated at Constantinople. His father prepared him for a career at court, and for a certain while the youth occupied a high position at the imperial court. When he was fourteen, he met the renowned Elder Simeon the Pious at the Studion Monastery, who would be a major influence in his spiritual development. He remained in the world for several years preparing himself for the monastic life under the Elder’s guidance, and finally entered the monastery at the age of twenty-seven.

Meeting of the Episcopal Council held in Banja Luka

On 20 March 2018 a meeting of  the Episcopal Council was held at the Bishop’s Palace in Banja Luka.

His Eminence Metropolitan Hrizostom of Dabar-Bosna summoned the meeting and presided over it as well. Participating hierarchs were: Their Graces Bishops Jefrem of Banjaluka, Grigorije of Zahumlje-Herzegovina and Sergej of Bihac-Petrovac. The Episcopal Council dealt with current issues of our Church, concerning especially the dioceses in the Republic of Srpska and BiH Federation.

Gatherings in the Orthodox Archbishopric of Ohrid

Gatherings in the Orthodox Archbishopric of Ohrid
Gatherings in the Orthodox Archbishopric of Ohrid
Gatherings in the Orthodox Archbishopric of Ohrid
Gatherings in the Orthodox Archbishopric of Ohrid

On the fourth Sunday of  Great Lent dedicated to Saint John the Ladder, His Beatitude Kyr Jovan, Archbishopric of Ohrid and Metropolitan of Skopje, celebrated the Holy Liturgy in the chapel of Saint Catherine in Skopje.

The fourth and the last statio of the  Acatyst to the  Holy Theotokos His were read by Beatitude Jovan, Archbishop of Ohrid and Metropolitan of Skopje at the chapel of Saint Nectarios of Aegina, in Skopje on 16 March 2018.

“The Sacred and Divine Liturgy" оf Saint John Chrysostom”

“The Sacred and Divine Liturgy" оf Saint John Chrysostom”
“The Sacred and Divine Liturgy" оf Saint John Chrysostom”
“The Sacred and Divine Liturgy" оf Saint John Chrysostom”
“The Sacred and Divine Liturgy" оf Saint John Chrysostom”

Los Angeles-New York-Chicago: Sebastian Press 2018

  • “The Sacred and Divine Liturgy” is a new English edition of the primary divine service of the Orthodox Church, published in full color by St Sebastian Press of the Western American Diocese, and edited by Bishop Maxim.