Palm Sunday in Zagreb

Palm Sunday in Zagreb
Palm Sunday in Zagreb
Palm Sunday in Zagreb
Palm Sunday in Zagreb

Metropolitan Porfirije: Man needa a man.Bat, above all, man needs God.

The Church in Zagreb celebrated the feast-day of the solemn Entry of Christ into Jerusalem, with the Holy Liturgy officiated by His Eminence Metropolitan Dr. Porfirije of Zagreb-Ljubljana. The Metropolitan was concelebrated by priests of the Cathedral church and lots of believers gathered in the church.

Palm Sunday celebrated at the Serbian Patriarchate

Palm Sunday celebrated at the Serbian Patriarchate
Palm Sunday celebrated at the Serbian Patriarchate
Palm Sunday celebrated at the Serbian Patriarchate
Palm Sunday celebrated at the Serbian Patriarchate

On Palm Sunday, on April 5th, 2015 when our Church celebrates a memory of the triumphal entry of Lord Jesus Christ into Jerusalem, His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch officiated the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy at the Cathedral church in Belgrade.  

His Holiness was concelebrated by local priests of the Serbian Church. The Children choir of the First Belgrade Chanting Society sang responses during the Eucharistic gathering.

Annunciation and Choosing Life

Recent statistics indicate that about half of all pregnancies in America are “unintended,” and of those, four out of ten end in abortion. Perhaps most disturbingly, over 70% of women involved in an abortion report some sort of religious affiliation.

In the Orthodox Church, we commemorate the Great Feast of Annunciation on March 25. Without coincidence, this occurs nine months before the Great Feast of Nativity or Christmas. In the Annunciation, we celebrate not only the Incarnation, but the actualconception of Jesus Christ. As the Creed states, “who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and became man.” We also remember the conception of Mary herself later in the year. And again, not merely their birth or the bare facts of their existence, but theirconception—what the Church has forever, and ever shall recognize as the beginning of life. This is without question, and has been universally attested since the apostles.

Bishop Maxim Celebrates His Krsna Slava - The Feast of Saint Lazarus

Bishop Maxim Celebrates His Krsna Slava - The Feast of Saint Lazarus
Bishop Maxim Celebrates His Krsna Slava - The Feast of Saint Lazarus
Bishop Maxim Celebrates His Krsna Slava - The Feast of Saint Lazarus
Bishop Maxim Celebrates His Krsna Slava - The Feast of Saint Lazarus

His Grace Bishop Maxim and his parents, Proto Lazar and Protinica Radmila Vasiljevic, celebrated their Krsna Slava, on Lazarus Saturday, April 4, 2015 at the Saint Steven's Serbian Orthodox Cathedral in Alhambra, California.

His Grace, Bishop Maxim officiated at the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy with the clergy from Saint Steven's Cathedral and surrounding parishes, and many Orthodox faithful from around the Diocese. Following the Divine Liturgy, the festal Slava service was held in the main hall and was followed by a delicious luncheon prepared by the Diocesan Kolo Srpskih Sestara.

Reception for the Patron Saint-day of Serbian Patriarch Irinej

Reception for the Patron Saint-day of Serbian Patriarch Irinej
Reception for the Patron Saint-day of Serbian Patriarch Irinej
Reception for the Patron Saint-day of Serbian Patriarch Irinej
Reception for the Patron Saint-day of Serbian Patriarch Irinej

Following the Liturgical gathering at the Cathedral church, His Grace Bishop Lavrentije of Sabac performed a solemn rite of blessing the slava cake at the Patriarchal Court.

The solemn slava rite and reception, besides the host, His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej and Their Graces Bishops Atanasije of Bihac-Petrovac and Arsenije of Toplica, was attended by President of the Republic of Serbia Mr. Tomislav Nikolic with his wife Dragica, President of the Government of the Republic of Serbia Mr. Aleksandar Vucic, President of Republic of Srpska Mr. Milorad Dodik, Their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Aleksandar Karadjordjevic and Princess Katherine, Foreign Affairs Minister Mr. Ivica Dacic, Minister Velimir Ilic, Director of the Bureau for Cooperation with Traditional Churches and Religious Communities Dr. Mileta Radojevic, protomaster of Saint Sava Cathedral Professor Dr. Vojislav Milovanovic, Ambassador of the Russian Federation Mr. Aleksander Chepurin, Ambassador of Belarus Mr. Vladimir Chushev, Ambassador of Cyprus Mrs. Nasfika Krusti, as well as prominent representatives of the economic and cultural life of the Serbian capital.

Serbian Patriarch Irinej celebrates its Patron Saint-day

Serbian Patriarch Irinej celebrates its Patron Saint-day
Serbian Patriarch Irinej celebrates its Patron Saint-day
Serbian Patriarch Irinej celebrates its Patron Saint-day
Serbian Patriarch Irinej celebrates its Patron Saint-day

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, officiated on April 4th, 2015, on Lazarus Saturday, the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy with the concelebration of Their Graces Bishop Lavrentije of Sabac, Atanasije of Bihac-Petrovac and Arsenije of Toplica at the Cathedral church in Belgrade.

The Eucharistic gathering was especially solemn, since St. Lazarus Saturday is Patron Saint-day of His Holiness. On this occasion many priests of the Serbian Orthodox Church concelebrated.