New Orthodox church in Hamburg
25. October 2013 - 14:51On October 22, with the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Theophan of Berlin and Germany in Hamburg a service for the laying of a foundation stone of a new Church was performed.
The service was celebrated by Archpriest Sergy Baburin with Priest Dionysius Idowein concelebrating. The Hamburg community is starting an Orthodox cemetery which will become a park, adorned with traditional Russian wooden architecture, reports the website of the Diocese of Berlin and Germany.
Reliquary with portion of relics of Saint John Of Shanghai to be brought to Yoshkar-ola
24. October 2013 - 9:20Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco was canonized relatively recently, on July 2, 1994. But in less than 20 years hundreds of people were healed from different diseases by his holy relics. Every request found its response through a prayer to the Holy Hierarch. Even in his lifetime the Holy Hierarch excelled in special spiritual gifts from God: clairvoyance, the ability to heal people, to see a person's secret need. After his repose, great miracles have been occuring from his relics, witnessed by our contemporaries.
As part of the international youth educational program, "Spiritual link", a reliquary with a portion of the saint's relics will be brought to Yoshkar-Ola (the capital of republic of Mari El in Russia), reports the website of the Diocese of Yoshkar-Ola.
Secretariat of Inter-Parliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy visits Patriarchate
22. October 2013 - 14:05On the afternoon of Saturday the 6th/19th of October 2013, the Secretariat of the Inter-parliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy visited the Patriarchate.
The delegation, consisting of approximately thirty-five members, was received by His Beatitude Theophilos in the presence of Fathers of the Holy Sepulcher.
Patriarch of Alexandria in a brief visit to Holy Metropolis of Johannesburg
22. October 2013 - 13:37
His Beatitude Theodoros II, Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa paid a brief visit to the Holy Metropolis of Johannesburg and Pretoria from 11th to 15th October 2013.
Ninth Anniversary of the election of Patriarch Theodoros of Alexandria
22. October 2013 - 13:28On 9th October 2013, His Beatitude Theodoros II, Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa officiated at the Divine Liturgy at the Holy Patriarchal Cathedral of St Savvas the Sanctified in Alexandria, on the occasion of the completion of nine years since his election and elevation to the Apostolic and Patriarchal throne of St Mark.
Present on this distinguished day to join in the prayers were His Eminence Gabrile Metropolitan of Leontopolis, patriarchal Vicar of Alexandria, His Grace Nikodimos Bishop of Nitria Patriarchal Vicar of Cairo and His Grace Niphon Bishop of Babylonia, Hegumen of the Holy Monastery of St George. Also present were the Honourable Consul General of Greece in Alexandria Mr. Christos Kapodistrias, the Honourable Chairman of the Hellenic Communityof Alexandria Mr. Ioannis Siokas, as well as Chairmen of Societies, and Associations of the Great City.