Orthodox Churches

Address of Serbian Patriarch at the Synaxis of the primates of Local Orthodox Churches in Geneva

Your All-Holiness, highly esteemed and beloved President of this Sacred Gathering,Your Holinesses and Your Beatitudes, beloved Primates of local Orthodox Churches,Your Eminences and Your Graces brothers Hierarchs, gathered at this elevated Sacred Gathering,Very Reverend and Reverend Fathers (dear Brothers and Sisters).

We express our gratitude to God Who has made us worthy of abundant grace to be the participants of this Pan-Orthodox gathering here at the Ecumenical Patriarchate at Chambesy, that has as its aim a God-pleasing deed to define and unanimously prepare the Holy and Great Council of the Eastern Orthodox Church that has been prepared and expected for quite a long period of time.

St Nicholas Cathedral in Nice consecrated after restoration

St Nicholas Cathedral in Nice consecrated after restoration
St Nicholas Cathedral in Nice consecrated after restoration
St Nicholas Cathedral in Nice consecrated after restoration
St Nicholas Cathedral in Nice consecrated after restoration

On 19 January 2016, the Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord, the celebrations marking the Lesser Consecration of St Nicholas Cathedral, one of the most beautiful churches of the Russian Orthodox Church abroad, took place in Nice, France. Built in the early 20th century thanks to the Royal family, it was given back to Russia a century later and underwent a large-scale restoration. On the feast day, the parishioners and numerous guests could see the church in all its splendor.

More African Americans Turning to Orthodoxy

The Rev. Moses Berry, an Orthodox priest and pastor of Theotokos “Unexpected Joy” Orthodox Mission, Ash Grove, Mo., began his career as a Protestant preacher, a family tradition reaching back into the 1800s. Then, in 1983, he visited an Orthodox church in Atlanta and was so moved that he retrained to become a priest in the Orthodox Church in America. He also helped to organize the coalition of clergy, scholars and lay leaders coming to Detroit.

Theophany in Homebush

On the Great Feast of Theophany, 19 January 2016, His Grace Bishop Irinej celebrated the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy in the Anglophonic parish of the Holy Archangel Michael in Homebush, New South Wales.

Concelebrating with him was the Reverend Veselin Svorcan, Parish Priest, assisted by Deacons Aleksandar Ivanovic and Miladin Tripic. Presently, a parish of the Metropolitanate of Australia and New Zealand of the Serbian Orthodox Church, this unique parish initially consisted of faithful from the Russian tradition who desired liturgical services in the English language for the sake of their future generations. Today, its parishioners herald from a wide array of Orthodox backgrounds, as well as those from non-Orthodox backgrounds, who have embraced Holy Orthodoxy.

20M leva needed to repair Bulgarian Orthodox Church’s Alexander Nevsky cathedral in Sofia

20M leva needed to repair Bulgarian Orthodox Church’s Alexander Nevsky cathedral in Sofia
20M leva needed to repair Bulgarian Orthodox Church’s Alexander Nevsky cathedral in Sofia
20M leva needed to repair Bulgarian Orthodox Church’s Alexander Nevsky cathedral in Sofia
20M leva needed to repair Bulgarian Orthodox Church’s Alexander Nevsky cathedral in Sofia

Twenty million leva (about 10.2 million euro) is needed for urgent repairs to the Bulgarian Orthodox Church’s landmark St Alexander Nevsky cathedral in Sofia, Prime Minister Boiko Borissov told Parliament on January 15.

Romanian Orthodox Church: Marriage Only Between Man, Woman

The Romanian Orthodox Church says it supports an initiative to change Romania's constitution to specify that marriage is between a man and a woman

The statement comes amid concerns from some that the conservative East European nation will align with other EU nations and permit gay marriage. Romania currently does not recognize marriages between people of the same sex.