Orthodox Churches

The feast of Hosia Melania of Rome at the Jerusalem Patriarchate

On Wednesday, the 31st of December 2015/13rd of January 2016, the Patriarchate observed the memory of hosia Melania of Rome at the chapel dedicated to her, within the Monastery of the Great Panagia to the south of the Hagiotaphite Brotherhood. On the same site, prior to the establishment of the Convent, dwelled Hagiotaphite Fathers from St Zion Hill in 516 AD, during the prelacy of Patriarch Elias of Jerusalem.

Children¨s choir from Abelin visits the Patriarchate of Jerusalem

Children¨s choir from Abelin visits the Patriarchate of Jerusalem
Children¨s choir from Abelin visits the Patriarchate of Jerusalem
Children¨s choir from Abelin visits the Patriarchate of Jerusalem
Children¨s choir from Abelin visits the Patriarchate of Jerusalem

On Tuesday, the 30th of December 2015/12th of January 2016, a 25-member group of a Catechizing Primary School from the Rum Orthodox Community of Abelin, visited the Patriarchate. They were accompanied by their priest, f. Savvas.

Restoration of Resurrection Cathedral at the New Jerusalem Monastery Complete

The reconstruction and restoration of the Resurrection Cathedral at the New Jerusalem Monastery is now complete, the historic cathedral is once again ready for worship. Situated in the town of Istra, which is about 40 kilometers (25 miles) west of Moscow, the monastery was founded in the 17th century by Patriarch Nikon. The Russian Orthodox Church have not yet set a date for the consecration of the cathedral.

Orthodox priest complains to German authorities about harassment of Christians at refugee camps

Christian refugees are exposed to harassment in the refugee camps in Germany says Hegumen Daniil (Irbits), superior of the St. George the Victorious Monastery in Gotschendorf, a member of the Integration Committee at the German Federal Chancellery.

The feast of Synaxis of Theotokos in Jerusalem

The feast of Synaxis of Theotokos in Jerusalem
The feast of Synaxis of Theotokos in Jerusalem
The feast of Synaxis of Theotokos in Jerusalem
The feast of Synaxis of Theotokos in Jerusalem

On Friday, the 26th of December 2015/8th of January 2016, the day after Christmas, the Synaxis of Theotokos, namely the gathering of the faithful in order to pay special tribute to Theotokos as contributor to God’s work for our salvation by bearing Christ by the Holy Spirit and lending her flesh to Him, was celebrated:

First Liturgy Held in Cypriot Church in Over 40 Years

Hundreds of Greek Cypriot refugees from the Turkish occupied village of Argaki, in the Morphou area, celebrated the Divine Liturgy on Saturday at their village church of St. John the Baptist for the first time since the village was occupied by Turkish troops during the invasion in 1974.

The mass was officiated by Bishop of Morphou Neophytos and organized by the Holy Bishopric of Morphou in cooperation with the Church Committee, the Community authority, the Argaki Cultural Group and “Olympus” Athletic Club of the occupied village.