Orthodox Churches

Services Resume in Orthodox Church in Capital of N. Korea After Quarantine

Divine services have resumed in Holy Trinity Church in the capital city of North Korea after a break due to anti-epidemic measures.

The Divine Liturgy was celebrated at the church in the Chonbek District of Pyongyang on Sunday, March 15 by Fr. Vladimir Zhang and Deacons George Yun and Paul Pak, reports the Russian Embassy in North Korea. The Russian Ambassador to North Korea and Russian citizens living in the country prayed at the service, with many communing of the Holy Body and Blood of Christ.

Jerusalem Patriarchate Donates $70,500 to Jordanian Ministry of Health

Joining in the efforts of other Local Orthodox Churches to provide material assistance to those in need and contribute to the fight against the spread of the coronavirus, the Jerusalem Patriarchate is donating more than $70,500 (50,000 Jordanian dinar) to the Jordanian Ministry of Health.

The donation came “with the blessing of His Beatitude, Patriarch Theophilos III, the Patriarch of the Holy City,” commented His Eminence Archbishop Christophoros of Amman, reports menafn.com.

“We stand with our Hashemite leadership and all officials in confronting the virus and providing everything possible to limit the spread of this global pandemic,” Abp. Christophoros added.

Moreover, buildings of the Patriarchate in Jordan are being put at the disposal of the state if needed. The Archbishop also called on all believers to adhere to the state’s hygienic standards during the epidemic.

On March 14, the heads of the various churches represented in Jerusalem issued a joint statement, calling on their faithful to abide by the regulations of the state, and “call[ing] upon Almighty God to look upon our situation and be gracious to our suffering world.”

We are all called to live with faith in God, and “it is therefore good that we intensify personal prayer, fasting and almsgiving and to talk in the light of God’s love,” the statement reads.

Source:  Orthodoxtimes.com (са енглеског Информативна служба Српске Православне Цркве)

Spiritual support line from the Archdiocese of Crete

Seeking to strengthen the faith, patience and hope of many people who are experiencing home restraint, their removal from the temples and their isolation from their relatives due to the threat of coronavirus, the Archdiocese of Crete is launching the “Spiritual Support Line”.

Metropolis of Xanthi: The Holy Communion will be provided at home

The Metropolis of Xanthi is going to provide the Holy Communion to the faithful who wish to receive it, but cannot attend church due to the coronavirus pandemic. So, according to its announcement, the Metropolis states that “Faithful can receive the Sacrament of the Holy Communion at home, by calling the priest of their parish.”It also urges the flock to adhere strictly to the instructions of the authorities to prevent further spread of the coronavirus.

No visitors at Sinai Saint Cathrine Monastery until March 31

The Sinai Saint Cathrine Monastery has shut down to visitors and pilgrims until 31 March. This is a temporary precautionary measure taken by the Sinai brotherhood against the spread of coronavirus and was officially announced to the Egyptian authorities.

Metropolitan of Vryoula: Chant the Salutations to the Theotokos from home every Friday

МA circular was issued by Metropolitan Panteleimon of Vryoula on the occasion of the spread of Covid-19 coronavirus worldwide.

According to the announcement, he invites the faithful to intensify their prayer from home to Our Lady Vourliotissa and to the neo-martyrs Michael and Nektarios from Vryoula, hoping that God will hear everyone’s prayers and strengthen us in this trial.