Orthodox Churches

Metropolitan Onuphry Blesses Ukraine From Above

Given the restrictions on mass gatherings during the coronavirus pandemic, hierarchs and clergy throughout the Orthodox world have begun blessing their cities and towns in vehicular and even aerial processions, taking wonderworking icons and holy relics with them.

OrthoChristian earlier reported that His Eminence Metropolitan Pavel of Minsk blessed his city with sacred icons, relics, and holy water in a helicopter ride, and His Eminence Metropolitan John of Belgorod did the same in his province.

Patriarchate of Jerusalem: Church of the Holy Sepulchure will remain open for the services

On Friday, March 20, 2020, the Three Major Communities with the pilgrimage responsibility for the All-holy Shrines, namely the Greek-Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem, the Custody of the Holy Land of the Franciscans, and the Patriarchate of the Armenians in Jerusalem, released a Statement, specifying to the faithful Christians that the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, with the Horrendous Golgotha and the All-Holy Tomb will remain open for the services, according to the existing Status Quo, and that they may come for their prayer, conforming to the instructions of the Local Authorities in order to protect their health.

Greek Orthodox Churches in New Zealand to remain closed for one month

The Holy Metropolis of New Zealand decided to keep all Greek Orthodox Churches closed for one month.

The announcement by the Metropolis of New Zealand refers to the decision made by the Ecumenical Patriarchate last week, which decided to suspend all religious services and ceremonies in all the churches under its jurisdiction.

Mt. Athos to Hold Vigils and Processions Against Coronavirus

While the Holy Mountain has closed its port to pilgrims until the end of the month, the monastics continue to uphold the faithful through their prayers.

In this vein, the Sacred Community, the governing body for the 20 ruling monasteries and their associated sketes and cells, has called on all the monasteries to serve All-Night Vigils to the Mother of God and to hold cross processions, entreating God’s mercy and grace as the world continues to suffer from the coronavirus epidemic, reports the Greek Orthodoxia News Agency.

Metropolitan of Vryoula: Ignoring Him who is our only hope and support

In his message, Metropolitan Panteleimon of Vryoula expresses the complaint that in the official announcements of the days there is no reference “to the Name of the Holy Trinity” and “our faith in Him who will help us overcome this new trial by prayer is ignored.”

However, Metropolitan Panteleimon also expresses his hope that Panagia will hear our prayers and “save us from this calamity because she is still our Holy Protection and Invincible Champion of our Nation”.

Metropolitan of Ilion communicates via video conferencing with his parishioners

Taking advantage of the advances in technology, Metropolitan Athinagoras of Ilion communicated via teleconferencing with parishioners of the Church of Saint Varvara in Ilion regarding the emergency measures taken by both the church and state aiming to curb the coronavirus pandemic.

Metropolitan Athinagoras talked via video conferencing with 75 people, with each member connecting from one’s home.