Pan-orthodox calendar first of its kind

A work-in-progress Bay Area Pan-Orthodox events calendar is now available online. The calendar intends to provide announcements of all publicized events across all parishes and jurisdictions in the greater Bay Area (Active membership in SCOBA is the criteria for inclusion). Roll-out is intended to take place in three phases. Phase one is now complete. All diocesan and metropolitan events for 2009 have been posted, including conferences and retreats. Antiochian, Greek, ROCOR, and OCA calendars are currently collected in this central location.

Serbian and other jurisdictional calendars were not yet available as of this posting. They will be added as soon as they become available.

Phase two will attach all public parish events across the 19 ROCOR, 10 Antiochian, 10 OCA, and 17 Greek churches in the Greater Bay Area. Parish councils are encouraged to provide their calendars as PDF files or email attachments to the calendar administrator.

Monasteries, retreat centers, academic institutions, and church-related organizations are also encouraged to view and submit events.

The calendar highlights local

* events
* dinners and luncheons
* meetings
* retreats
* seminars
* lectures
* conferences
* festivals, and
* fundraisers

Phase 3 will actively market the calendar to parishes, individuals, organizations, dioceses, and archdioceses to assist them in planning and publicity.

The calendar is intended to be dynamic and interactive. Any additions can be sent to the calendar administrator for inclusion. Corrections are welcome and should be sent as well. Use of the calendar is free, both for viewing and for posting.
