Patriarch Irinej visits the threatened in Kraljevo

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch visited the Diocese of Zica, and in Kraljevo, along with Bishop Hrizostom of Zica, the church of Holy Trinity, damaged in a recent earthquake. His Holiness Serbian Patriarch in an evangelic spirit promised the threatened people the help of the Church and the believers.

Patriarch was welcomed in front of the church of St. Trinity, built in 1824, by bishops Hrizostom of Zica and fr. Jovan Djerem, head of the church. During the visit to Diocese of Zica and Kraljevo, His Holiness Patriarch Irinej of Backa walked along the city streets, met with Mayor Ljubisa Simovic, visited a hospital, and at the end of the visit he was in the monastery of Zica, because that church from XIII century was also damages in the recent earthquake.