Serbian Orthodox Church
St. George Church School congregation in Joliet marks 90 years
9. November 2018 - 16:57On Sunday, November 4, 2018 the St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Joliet, Illionois celebrated their 90th anniversary.
The Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy was officiated by His Grace Bishop Longin of New Gracanica and Midwest America with the concelebration of the parish priest V. Rev. Stavrophor Aleksandar Bugarin, V. Rev. Stavrophor Savo Cakardic from the Sava parish in Joliet and Fr. Nikolaj Kostur of Holy Resurrection Cathedral in Chicago, Protodeacon Milovan Gogic and Deacn Nenad Jakovljevic.
Annual Benefit Luncheon at Liederkranz Foundation
9. November 2018 - 16:46Their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Alexander and Crown Princess Katherine along with Lifeline New York, hosted the 8th Annual Benefit Luncheon at The Liederkranz Foundation in New York to raise funds for the medical equipment for children’s hospitals in Serbia. The guest of honour was Dr. Bojana Jankovic Weatherly, Lifeline New York Board member and a Serbian doctor who didn’t forget her homeland and who is helping Serbia together with HRH Crown Princess Katherine. Their Royal Highnesses were accompanied by TRH Prince Dimitri of Yugoslavia and Prince Dusan and Princess Valerie of Yugoslavia and were graced by the presence of His Grace the Right Reverend Irinej Bishop of Eastern America the Serbian Orthodox Church.
40 Years of the Church of Saint Thomas in Johannesburg
6. November 2018 - 16:24His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, celebrated the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the church of Saint Thomas in Johannesburg on 4 November 2018, on the occasion of the celebration of the 40th anniversary of recently only Serbian church in Africa.
The Serbian Patriarch was concelebrated by Archbishop Damascene of Pretoria and Johannesburg (Patriarchate of Alexandria), His Grace Bishop Jovan of Sumadija, hieromonk Dositej of Chilandar, hieromonk Dr. Amvrosije (Vesic), protopresbyter-staurophor Dragi Veskovac, and some priests from the Russian and Romanian Orthodox Churches. In a prayerful presence of the host principal of the church, Isajlo (Markovic), many faithful people and the church choir enhanced the great jubilee of the parish of Saint Thomas the Apostle.
Chicago: The Album of Remembrance of Our Ancestors from the World War I
6. November 2018 - 9:28260 years of the Cathedral church in Sremski Karlovci
5. November 2018 - 14:08A great exhibition of тхе Cathedral of Saint Nicholas in Sremski Karlovci
The evening began with chanting of troparion to Saint Nicholas, the heavenly protector of the Cathedral church, which was performed by the Childrens’ choir of the Cathedral church, Slatkopojci, followed by the Mixed choir of the Cathedral church Saint Arsenije of Srem that performed Oh, Mother of God, the Virgin, a prayer in honour of the Most Holy Mother of God, who has been performing miracles and still performs them through its miraculous icon in the Cathedral church.
Consecration of crosses for the Cathedral church in Mostar
5. November 2018 - 14:04Golden crosses on a golden church.
Crosses for the Cathedral church of the Holy Trinity in Mostar , Hercegovina,were consecrated during the Eucharistic gathering, when Bishop Dimitrije of Zahumlje-Herzegovina and the Littoral officiated with the concelebration of Bishop Grigorije of Frankfurt and All Germany, retired Bishop Atanasije of Zahumlje-Herzegovina and the Littoral, many priests and people of God.