Serbian Orthodox Church

Holy Archangel Michael in the Air Force Command

Holy Archangel Michael in the Air Force Command
Holy Archangel Michael in the Air Force Command
Holy Archangel Michael in the Air Force Command
Holy Archangel Michael in the Air Force Command

On the feast-day of Holy Archangel Michael, 21 November 2018, the Patron Saint-day (slava) of the chapel of Holy Archangel Michael was solemnly celebrated in the Air Force and Air Defense Command.

His Grace Bishop Stefan of Remesiana, Vicar Bishop of the Serbian Patriarch, officiated the Holy Liturgy with the concelebration of military chaplains Vladimir Blagojevic, Nemanja Petrovic and protodeacon Zoran Nikolic, in presence of Chief of the Air Staff Major General Dusko Zarkovic, Chief of the Air Force and Air Defense Staff Brigadier General Aleksandar Bjelic and members of the AF and AD Staff.

St. Archangel Michael Parish Celebrates Patron Saint-day

St. Archangel Michael Parish Celebrates Patron Saint-day
St. Archangel Michael Parish Celebrates Patron Saint-day
St. Archangel Michael Parish Celebrates Patron Saint-day
St. Archangel Michael Parish Celebrates Patron Saint-day

The Parish Church of Holy Archangel Michael in Saratoga this year celebrated its Patron Saint a few days before the real Feast on 18 November 2018.

The presence of numerous parishioners and guests, both in our chapel at the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy served by His Grace our Bishop Maxim and the nearby priests, and at a ceremonial banquet in the church hall.

Historical day for the Serbian Orthodox Church in Innsbruck

Historical day for the Serbian Orthodox Church in Innsbruck
Historical day for the Serbian Orthodox Church in Innsbruck
Historical day for the Serbian Orthodox Church in Innsbruck
Historical day for the Serbian Orthodox Church in Innsbruck

A contract on a gift of a new church for the Serbian Orthodox Church in Innsbruck was signed on 20 November 2018.

The Church-School Community of Innsbruck was founded in 1992 and since then it has used a rented church in that town. After many years of searching for the permanent solution, the Church-School Community of Innsbruck received a magnificent invaluable church in the center of the city as a gift from the Roman Catholic Order of the Redemptorists.

Patron Saint-day of the Saint Archangel Michael Church in Belgrade

Patron Saint-day of the Saint Archangel Michael Church in Belgrade
Patron Saint-day of the Saint Archangel Michael Church in Belgrade
Patron Saint-day of the Saint Archangel Michael Church in Belgrade
Patron Saint-day of the Saint Archangel Michael Church in Belgrade

His Holiness Irinej Serbian Patriarch Iinej officiated the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the Cathedral church in Belgrade on 21 November 2018, on the feast-day of the Synaxis of the Archangel Michael and the Other Bodiless Powers.

At the magnificent Liturgy the Patriarch was concelebrated by protopresbyter-stavrophors: Savo B. Jovic, Vladimir Vukasinovic, Vitaly Tarasyev, MilojkoTopalovic, Radic Radicevic, Stojadin Pavlovic, Dragomir Sando, and Branko Topalovic; presbyters Slavisa Popovic and Arsen Milovanovic; protodeacons Radomir Percevic, Stevan Rapajic and Damjan Bozic, as well as by deacon Nemanja Ristic.

Chapel of Holy Unmercenary Healers in the Military Hospital in Nis consecrated

Chapel of Holy Unmercenary Healers in the Military Hospital in Nis consecrated
Chapel of Holy Unmercenary Healers in the Military Hospital in Nis consecrated
Chapel of Holy Unmercenary Healers in the Military Hospital in Nis consecrated
Chapel of Holy Unmercenary Healers in the Military Hospital in Nis consecrated

In the year when the 140th anniversary of the existence and work of the Military Hospital in Nis and 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War is marked, and in the glory of the ancestors, founders of the Serbian medicine and all those who gave their lives for the liberty of the Homeland, members of the Military Hospital of Nis celebrated their patron Saint-day.

In the complex of the Military Hospital, there is a chapel of Holy Unmercenary Healers Cosmas and Damian, built in 1918 near Cele-Kula monument. The chapel was built in order to meet spiritual needs of patients and the staff of the Military Hospital, but in the course of the time it lost its function for which it had been originally built.  Fortunately, it preserved its architectural appearance, regardless of a facility built up at the west side, and it fully fulfills its liturgical purpose. An important moment that gives the building a special significance is the proximity of the large and unique in the world historical monument of Cele-Kule, a symbol of national suffering and the patriotism of the liberators of Serbia.

Crown Prince Alexander: “Kosovo is Serbia – it always was and will always remain”.

In anticipation of the patronal feast of St. Stephen of Dechani, Benefactor of High Dechani Monastery, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Alexander sent a message to the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, during an interview for “Espreso”, calling them the “defenders of  Serbdom” and advised them that “after evil times the good always come.”