Serbian Orthodox Church
New Bust in Serbian Cultural Garden
27. August 2018 - 9:14On Sunday, August 19, 2018, the Great Feast of Transfiguration, His Grace Irinej, Bishop of Eastern America, blessed the newly erected bust of Nadezda Petrovic, famous Serbian painter and philanthropist of the 20th century, in the Serbian Cultural Garden in Cleveland, Ohio.
After the Service of Blessing, Bishop Irinej reminded everyone of certain details from the biography of this remarkable woman. Nadezda was a great artist, someone who advanced new trends in Serbian art, but other than that, she was a woman filled with love towards others. She eventually died serving others as a nurse in World War I. Her paintings are not her only legacy - she was also the founder of the Circle of Serbian Sisters.
The Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord and the Ordination of Jovan Katanic to the Order of Priesthood
27. August 2018 - 8:39The brightness of the Transfiguration of the Lord, illuminating all the universe, was shining on the parish of St. Sava in San Gabriel, California, where a great number of parishioners gathered to celebrate the great feast of the Lord through the Eucharistic assembly, under the leadership of His Grace and Father, Bishop Maxim.
On this sunny morning in front of the church the parishioners with their parish priest Father Predrag Bojović greeted Bishop Maksim, who, blessed the gathered faithful people with the rapture of the tropars of the holy feast. The church with hearts filled with prayer was ready to bring the Eucharistic Gift to the Transfigured Lord by the hands of their bishop. In the liturgical assembly, God showed the pleasant joy of the Eucharistic union through which we walk safely toward salvation and eternal life in the light of our Creator and Savior. Bishop Maxim was assisted by Father Predrag Bojović, diocesan Deacon Vladan Radovanovic and parish Deacon Jovan Katanic. The Holy Liturgy was enchanted by the pleasant and gentle chanting of the choir of the Church of St. Sava. The complete joy of unity was filled with the communion of many children and people of God. This fulfilled the words of Christ, which established the Holy Liturgy.
104th parish slava in Aliquippa
27. August 2018 - 8:30The parish of the Holy Prophet Elijah in Aliquippa, Pennsylvania festively celebrated its 104th annual parish slava on Sunday, August 5, 2018.
As with many past celebrations, this one took place on a hot and humid day under plenty of sunshine, typical of this time of year in Western Pennsylvania. The sweltering climate could not diminish the enthusiasm of the parishioners in their celebration of their heavenly patron, the Holy Prophet Elijah, and the commemoration of the parish’s 104 years of ministry to the Aliquippa community.
Diocesan Day 2018
27. August 2018 - 8:26Again, this year the Diocesan Day was traditionally celebrated at the Holy Mother of God Monastery at Shadeland. The Divine Liturgy was served on Saturday, August 4, 2018 at the Monastery Church.
His Grace Irinej, the Bishop of Eastern America, led the clergy and the faithful in the Eucharistic gathering. There were twenty priests and hieromonks, two deacons, two subdeacons and many children in attendance. On this special occasion, The Holy Trinity Cathedral Choir from Pittsburgh sung the responses, joined by campers and their parents, relatives, counselors, and volunteers.
Metropolitan Amfilohije in Peru
24. August 2018 - 14:19Постојање православне заједнице у Ајакучоу велики благослов
Његово Високопреосвештенство Архиепископ цетињски и Митрополит црногорско-приморски г. Амфилохије служио је на празник Светог апостола Матије и Светог мученика Антонија свету архијерејску Литургију у манастиру Пресвете Богородице Утешитељке у граду Ајакучо у Перуу. Саслуживали су архимандрит Рафаило (Чепрњић), протојереј-ставрофор Драган Митровић и протођакон Владимир Јарамаз.