Serbian Orthodox Church

Saint Sava’s Day in Trieste

Saint Sava’s Day in Trieste
Saint Sava’s Day in Trieste
Saint Sava’s Day in Trieste
Saint Sava’s Day in Trieste

On the feast-day of Saint Sava, 27 January 2017, Archpriest Rasko Radovic officiated the Holy Liturgy, while the choir sang responses. There were ca. 60 of the congregation. The Saind Sava’s academy was held at the city theatre “Bobio” in Trieste being organized by the Church-school community of Saint Spyridon, according to the program prepared by teachers Sladja Markovic, Tatjana Dasic and catechist Fr. Rasko Radovic. Students of the supplementary school “Jovan Miletic” from Trieste performed the program.

Patriarch Irinej served in the church of Saint Athanasius in Zemun

Patriarch Irinej served in the church of Saint Athanasius in Zemun
Patriarch Irinej served in the church of Saint Athanasius in Zemun
Patriarch Irinej served in the church of Saint Athanasius in Zemun
Patriarch Irinej served in the church of Saint Athanasius in Zemun

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, celebrated the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy at the church of Saint Athanasius the Great in Zemun's suburb of Plavi Horizonti on 31 January 2017 (phоto gallery).

The Patriarch was concelebrated by the priesthood of the Archdiocese of Belgrade-Karlovci, in the prayerful presence of Director of the Bureau for Cooperation with teh Churches and Religious Communities Dr. Mileta Radojevic and many believers.

Patriarch Irinej: Christ is our greatest treasure

 His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, celebrated on 29 January 2017, on the feast-day of the Precious Chains of Holy Apostle Peter, the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the church of Saint Parasceve at Cukaricka Padina, Belgrade

Clergy of the Archdiocese of Belgrade-Karlovac concelebrated to the Patriarch, in presence of a lot of faithful people and children. At the beginning of the Divine service His Holiness laid in the church some particles of the relics of Holy Great-martyr George, a precious gift of the brotherhood of the Saint Paul Monastery on Mount Athos.

Bishop Siluan welcomed at the church of Holy Trinity in Perth

Bishop Siluan welcomed at the church of Holy Trinity in Perth
Bishop Siluan welcomed at the church of Holy Trinity in Perth
Bishop Siluan welcomed at the church of Holy Trinity in Perth
Bishop Siluan welcomed at the church of Holy Trinity in Perth

His Grace Bishop Siluan of Australia and New Zealand, within his first canonical visit to the Orthodox Serbs in Western Australia, visited the church of Holy Trinity in Perth on 26 January 2017.

Soon after he entered the church and before the beginning of the vesper service, Bishop Siluan informed the present people that he had brought some particles of the relics of Saint Avva Justin and talked about the significance of this great Serbian saint.

Saint Sava's Day celebrated in the Cathedral church in Podgorica

Saint Sava's Day celebrated in the Cathedral church in Podgorica
Saint Sava's Day celebrated in the Cathedral church in Podgorica
Saint Sava's Day celebrated in the Cathedral church in Podgorica
Saint Sava's Day celebrated in the Cathedral church in Podgorica

On Friday, 27 January 2017, on the day when our Church celebrated a feast day of Saint Sava, the first Serbian Archbishop, the Holy Liturgy was celebrated at the Cathedral church of the Resurrection of Christ in Podgorica.

Consecration of foundations of the church in Slavonski Brod

Consecration of foundations of the church in Slavonski Brod
Consecration of foundations of the church in Slavonski Brod
Consecration of foundations of the church in Slavonski Brod
Consecration of foundations of the church in Slavonski Brod

The feast day of the memory of the Precious Chains of Holy Apostle Paul and Venerable Romil of Ravanica, was prayerfully celebrated at the side chapel of Saint hieromartyr George of Slavonia in Slavonski Brod on 29 January 2017.

His Eminence Metropolitan Porfirije of Zagreb and Ljubljana and His Grace Bishop Jovan of Pakrac-Slavonia celebrated the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy with the concelebration of the local clergy.