Serbian Orthodox Church
Nis: Visit of His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej
4. November 2015 - 16:14His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, visited the city of Nis and the Diocese of Nis on 3 November 2015. о је 3. новемнра 2015. године град Ниш и Епархију нишку.
His Holiness was welcomed by His Grace Bishop Teodosije of Raska-Prizren, deputy of the Bishop of Nis in serving as Diocesan bishop, with priests and believers. Following the warm welcome there was a doxology at the Cathedral church of the Decent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles.
A spiritual and national joy in Hamilton
3. November 2015 - 13:02The beautiful and spacious St. Nicholas Cathedral in Hamilton (Barton St) was small to receive all the faithful who travelled from all ends of Ontario to take part in the great spiritual and national joy which occured on Sunday October 25th. The occasion was the visit of Their Excellencies the Crown Prince Aleksandar and Princess Katherine Karadjordjevic but also the visit of His Grace Bishop Longin on New Gracanica and Midwestern America.
Church Slava Celebrated Festively in San Marcos
2. November 2015 - 14:23 His Grace Bishop Maxim of Western America visited the faithful of St. Petka Serbian Orthodox Church in San Marcos, California on the occasion of the celebration of their Church Slava, Sunday, October 25, 2015. Concelebrating with His Grace at the Divine Liturgy was Protopresbyter-Stavrophor Milan Vukovic, retired priest from the San Marcos parish and Protopresbyter Milovan Katanic, the newly appointed priest. Also concelebrating were Deacon Zoran Aleksic, the diocesan deacon, and Deacon David-John Williams from Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos parish in Orange County. In his homily His Grace, the bishop, spoke on the gospel parable of the Sower and just as there was seed which fell on good ground it is our task to diligently cultivate the ground of our hearts that the seed, the Word of God, produce much God-pleasing and salvific fruit.
Order of Saint Sava to Professor Dr. Ioannis Tarnanidis
30. October 2015 - 13:59On 29 October 2015 a ceremony was held at the Serbian Patriarchate, during which His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, awarded Professor Dr. IoannisTarnanidis with the order of Saint Sava.
In the decision of the Holy Synod of Bishops, which was read during the solemn ceremony, it is said that the highest distinction of the Serbian Orthodox Church, order of the Saint Sava of the Second Degree, at the suggestion of Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro and the Littoral, is to be handed in to Professor Dr. IoannisTarnanidis, retired professor of the Faculty of Theology of the University in Thessaloniki, for his significant scientific contribution to the research of the History of the Church, especially of the history of the Serbian Orthodox Church, and for his authentic representation of the Serbian Church life, place and role of the Serbian Church in the Orthodox world.
Metropolitan Nikolaj of Dabar-Bosnia reposes in the Lord
29. October 2015 - 17:03On October 14/27, 2015 in the evening, on the feast-day of the Venerable Mother Parascheva, His Eminence Metropolitan Nikolaj of Dabar-Bosnia reposed in the Lord at the University Hospital in Foca.
Upon his personal wish Metropolitan Nikolaj will be buried at the monastery of the Dormition of the Mother of God in Dobrun, Republic of Srpska. His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch will officiate the Funeral Liturgy on 30 October 2015 starting at 9 a.m. Following the Holy Liturgy a requiem for Metropolitan Nikolaj of Dabar-Bosnia of blessed repose will be officiated. The Metropolitan will be buried in the graveyard of the monastery at Dobrun.