Serbian Orthodox Church

Prayerful and spiritual joys in the Milton Monastery, Canada

Prayerful and spiritual joys in the Milton Monastery, Canada
Prayerful and spiritual joys in the Milton Monastery, Canada
Prayerful and spiritual joys in the Milton Monastery, Canada
Prayerful and spiritual joys in the Milton Monastery, Canada

On Saturday, September 19th, His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej officiated the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the monastery of the Holy Transfiguration of the Lord at Milton.

The Patriarch was concelebrated by protosyncelos Vasilije (Gavrilovic), protodeacon DamjanBozic and deacon Djurad jKojic. His Holiness baptized a boy, GavriloZubac, the tenth grandson of Very Revd. VasilijeTomic, parish priest of Richmond Hill and deputy of His Holiness. Following the end of the vesper service, ambassador of Serbia to Canada Mr. MihajloPapazoglu payed a visit His Holiness.

Memory Eternal - Fr. Svetozar Veselinovic

Miami, FL - The Very Reverend Stavrophor Svetozar Veselinovich fell asleep in the Lord on Wednesday, September 16th.  May his memory be eternal!

Source: Eastern American Diocese

Patriarch Irinej at Kolo Slava in Hamilton, Ontario

Patriarch Irinej at Kolo Slava in Hamilton, Ontario
Patriarch Irinej at Kolo Slava in Hamilton, Ontario
Patriarch Irinej at Kolo Slava in Hamilton, Ontario
Patriarch Irinej at Kolo Slava in Hamilton, Ontario

The Serbian Sisters celebrated their slava, the Nativity of the Theotokos, on Sunday September 20.

The Holy Hierarchical Liturgy was served by His Holiness the Patriarch of Serbia and Administrator of the Canadian Dioses Irinej. Serving alongside His Holiness were: archpriest Vasilije (Gavrilovic), V. Rev. Steva Stojisavljevic, V. Rev. Vojislav Pavlovic, and protodeacon Damjan Bozic. Our choir Stevan Mokranjac responded to the Liturgy.

Assembly Convenes Sixth Annual Meeting in Chicago

Chicago, IL--The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America convened its sixth annual meeting Tuesday, September 15 in Chicago, IL with 45 hierarchs in attendance. The day began with a celebration of the Divine Liturgy at St John the Baptist Orthodox Church in Des Plaines, IL.

Archbishop Demetrios, Chairman of the Assembly, opened the meeting. His remarks can be read here in their entirety. General business followed, including acceptance of the minutes from Assembly V, a financial report from the Assembly’s treasurer, Metropolitan Antony, and brief reports from the Secretary of the Assembly, Bishop Basil, and the Chairman of the Committees, Bishop Maxim. Metropolitan Antony reported that a budget shortfall is expected and expressed his hope that the hierarchs would seek donations from the faithful to meet the shortfall. Bishop Maxim called attention to the committees that have been particularly active to-date: Agencies and Endorsed Organizations, Canonical Regional Planning, Ecumenical Relations, Financial Affairs, Legal Affairs, Pastoral Practice, Monastic Communities, and Youth.

Patriarch Irinej of Serbia at Cathedral church in New York

Patriarch Irinej of Serbia at Cathedral church in New York
Patriarch Irinej of Serbia at Cathedral church in New York
Patriarch Irinej of Serbia at Cathedral church in New York
Patriarch Irinej of Serbia at Cathedral church in New York

His Holiness Irinej officiated at the Cathedral church of Saint Sava in New York on 12 September 2015.

Serbian Patriarch Irinej was concelebrated by Their Graces Bishops Mitrophan of Eastern America, Justin of Zica and Maxim of Western America, as well as by many Orthodox priests from New York. Patriarch Irinej delivered a sermon. An agape of love and a special program were prepared. Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America and the principal of the Cathedral church Revd. Djokan Makstorovic greeted His Holiness. To memorize this visit, Patriarch Irinej received an encolpion as a gift.

Patriarch Irinej visiting Diocese of Canada

Patriarch Irinej visiting Diocese of Canada
Patriarch Irinej visiting Diocese of Canada
Patriarch Irinej visiting Diocese of Canada
Patriarch Irinej visiting Diocese of Canada

Serbian Patriarch Irinej in monastery of Holy Transfiguration at Milton

His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej, as administrator of the Diocese of Canada, has been paying his second canonical visit to Canada. Patriarch Irinej arrived on Saturday, 12 September 2015. On the next day, on Sunday, September 13th, His Holiness celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the monastery of the Holy Transfiguration of the Lord, the residence seat of the Diocese. He was concelebrated by clergy of the Diocese of Canada.