Serbian Orthodox Church

Audiences at the Serbian Patriarchate - 31 July 2013

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch received Mr. Bratislav Petkovic, Minister of Culture at the Government of Serbia, and Mr. Zoran Nedeljkovic, director of the Library of the Serbian Patriarchate, at the Serbian Patriarchate today, on 31 July 2013.

Bishop Marko in an official visit to the Holy Epistasia of Mount Athos in Karyes

On July 26, 2013, Bishop Marko of Bregalnica and Administrator of Bitola, was officially received by the Protoepistate, hieromonk kyr Stephan, and the Epistates of the Holy Community of the Holy Mount of Athos, in Karyes.

During the meeting Bishop Marko explained to the Epistates, in detail, the latest forms of persecution, that are being performed eleventh year, in continuity, by the state apparatus and the leaders of the schismatic MOC, against His Beatitude Archbishop Jovan of Ohrid and Metropolitan of Skopje, and against the rest of the Bishops, monastics and faithful people of the canonical Church in R. Macedonia, the Orthodox Ohrid Archbishopric.

Slava of the monastery of Holy Archangel near Prizren

In the monastery of Holy Archangel near Prizren on 26 July 2013 the monastery slava was solemnly celebrated.

Bishop Atanasije of Bihac-Petrovac served the Hierarchal Divine Liturgy with the concelebration of priests and monks of the Diocese of Raska-Prizren. About two hundred believers from all Serbian areas prayerfully attended the service. Follwing the Liturgy the Bishop blessed and cut the slava cake with the abbot of the monastery protosyngellos Mihajlo. Director of the Office of the Government of Serbia for Kosovo and Metohia Mr. Aleksandar Vulin with associates attended the celebration.

Bishop Grigorije meets with prominent guests in Nevesinje

Bishop Grigorije meets with prominent guests in Nevesinje
Bishop Grigorije meets with prominent guests in Nevesinje
Bishop Grigorije meets with prominent guests in Nevesinje
Bishop Grigorije meets with prominent guests in Nevesinje
У оквиру радне посјете Невесињу,  а поводом реализације пројеката отварања прехамбене индустрије и престижне клинике,  предсједник Републике Српске Милорад Додик, академик др Предраг Пешко и господин Родољуб Драшковић посјетили су  и невесињски Саборни храм. Угледни гости овом приликом састали су се у Невесињу са Епископом Григоријем. - See more at:
У оквиру радне посјете Невесињу,  а поводом реализације пројеката отварања прехамбене индустрије и престижне клинике,  предсједник Републике Српске Милорад Додик, академик др Предраг Пешко и господин Родољуб Драшковић посјетили су  и невесињски Саборни храм. Угледни гости овом приликом састали су се у Невесињу са Епископом Григоријем. - See more at:
У оквиру радне посјете Невесињу,  а поводом реализације пројеката отварања прехамбене индустрије и престижне клинике,  предсједник Републике Српске Милорад Додик, академик др Предраг Пешко и господин Родољуб Драшковић посјетили су  и невесињски Саборни храм. Угледни гости овом приликом састали су се у Невесињу са Епископом Григоријем. - See more at:У оквиру радне посјете Невесињу,  а поводом реализације пројеката отварања прехамбене индустрије и престижне клинике,  предсједник Републике Српске Милорад Додик, академик др Предраг Пешко и господин Родољуб Драшковић посјетили су  и невесињски Саборни храм. Угледни гости овом приликом састали су се у Невесињу са Епископом Григоријем. - See more at:

Within a working visit to Nevesinje, and on the occasion of the opening of the food factory and prestigious clinic, President of Republic of Srpska Milorad Dodik, academician Dr. Predrag Pesko and Mr. Rodoljub Draskovic visited also the Cathedral church in Nevesinje. Prominent guests also met with Bishop Grigorije of Zahumlje-Herzegovina. 

Bishop Maxim Installs New Abbot at the St. Herman Monastery

Bishop Maxim Installs New Abbot at the St. Herman Monastery
Bishop Maxim Installs New Abbot at the St. Herman Monastery
Bishop Maxim Installs New Abbot at the St. Herman Monastery
Bishop Maxim Installs New Abbot at the St. Herman Monastery

On Saturday, July 20 (n.s.), His Grace Bishop Maxim visited the St. Herman of Alaska Serbian Orthodox Monastery in Platina, California, served the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, and installed Hieromonk Damascene (Christensen) as abbot of the monastery. Concelebrating clergy included Protopresbyter Dane Popovich of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary Serbian Orthodox Church in Sacramento, California; Priest Nektarios Rozadilla of St. George Greek Orthodox Church in Redding, California; Hieromonk Paisius (Bjerke) of the St. Herman Monastery; Priest George Elliott and Deacon Philip Mayer of St. Andrew’s Serbian Orthodox Church in Anderson, California; and Priest Daniel Mackay of St. John the Wonderworker Serbian Orthodox Church in Eugene, Oregon.

Bishop Hrizostom of Zvornik-Tuzla serves memorial service for victims of the Patriotic War

Bishop Hrizostom of Zvornik-Tuzla serves memorial service for victims of the Patriotic War
Bishop Hrizostom of Zvornik-Tuzla serves memorial service for victims of the Patriotic War
Bishop Hrizostom of Zvornik-Tuzla serves memorial service for victims of the Patriotic War
Bishop Hrizostom of Zvornik-Tuzla serves memorial service for victims of the Patriotic War

His Grace Bishop Hrizostom of Zvornik-Tuzla visited yesterday Bratunac, Srebrenica and Skelane and in all places served memorial service for fallen victims of the Patriotic War. 

Bishop Hrizostom was accompanied by episcopal dean of Zvornik-Tuzla Vidoje Lukic, protopresbyter-stavrophor Ljubisa Vujicic and Borisav Todix, protonamesnik Nenad Djuric and presbyter Mile Jovanovic. His Grace was welcomed by protopresbyter Borisav Todic. In the courtyard of the church of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos His Grace was welcomed by protopresbyter-stavrophor Borisav Todic. After prayer at the church, Bishop Hrizostom served the memorial service  for the Serbian victims of the area of Bratunac in the Patriotic War at the cemetary of Bratunac.