Serbian Orthodox Church

Let us sing with love to Saint Sava!

Let us sing with love to Saint Sava!
Let us sing with love to Saint Sava!
Let us sing with love to Saint Sava!
Let us sing with love to Saint Sava!

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch celebrated on Saint Sava's Day, the Divine Liturgy at the Saint Sava Memorial Cathedral on Vracar. The festal liturgical joy at the Memorial Cathedral of the Serbian people was recorded by deacon Dragan Tanasijevic. 

Patron Saint-day of the side chapel of Sts. Ermylus and Stratonicus

Patron Saint-day of the side chapel of Sts.  Ermylus and Stratonicus
Patron Saint-day of the side chapel of Sts.  Ermylus and Stratonicus
Patron Saint-day of the side chapel of Sts.  Ermylus and Stratonicus
Patron Saint-day of the side chapel of Sts.  Ermylus and Stratonicus

His Grace Bishop Atanasije of Hvosno, Vicar of Serbian Patriarch celebrated on 26 January 2013, on the feast day of Saints Ermylus and Stratonicus, the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the side chapel devoted to this saints at the Saint Sava Cathedral on Vracar. 

Towards Saint Sava

Towards Saint Sava
Towards Saint Sava
Towards Saint Sava
Towards Saint Sava

With the blessing of His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, a small Saint Sava academy for children of the employees of the Patriarchate was organized at the hall of the Serbian Patriarchate towards the feast of the Serbian enlightener Saint Sava and Patron Saint-day (slava) of the editorial staff of the Svetosavsko zvonce, on 25 January 2013.

Patriarch Irinej visits National Library of Serbia

Patriarch Irinej visits National Library of Serbia
Patriarch Irinej visits National Library of Serbia
Patriarch Irinej visits National Library of Serbia
Patriarch Irinej visits National Library of Serbia

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch visited on 26 January 2013 the National Library of Serbia, where he cut the slava cake of the Saint Sava Society.

Feast of Saint John – Patron Saint-day of Bishop Irinej of Bačka

Feast of Saint John – Patron Saint-day of Bishop Irinej of Bačka
Feast of Saint John – Patron Saint-day of Bishop Irinej of Bačka
Feast of Saint John – Patron Saint-day of Bishop Irinej of Bačka
Feast of Saint John – Patron Saint-day of Bishop Irinej of Bačka

Celebrating his Patron Saint-day, His Grace Bishop Dr Irinej of Bačka officiated the Divine Liturgy at the Cathedral Church in Novi Sad. Their Graces Bishops Vasilije of Zvornik-Tuzla, Pahomije of Vranje, David of Kruševac and Porfirije of Jegar concelebrated to Bishop Irinej. Concelebratin presbyters were led by Archimandrites Jovan (Radosavljević) and Jeronim (Močević)  and deacons were led by hierodeacon Goran Botoški.

Commemoration for victims of “Novi Sad Raid”

Commemoration for victims of “Novi Sad Raid”
Commemoration for victims of “Novi Sad Raid”
Commemoration for victims of “Novi Sad Raid”
Commemoration for victims of “Novi Sad Raid”

The 71st anniversary of the tragic event was marked at Quay of Raid victims in Novi Sad. On this place during the 1942 raid the soldiers of the Hungarian occupation army killed and threw under the ice of the Danube River several thousands citizens of Novi Sad from 21-23 January 1942. Serbian First Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic and Hungarian Deputy Prime Minister Tibor Navracsics were present at the commemoration ceremony. 

At noon, representatives of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, City of Novi Sad, dignitaries of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Jewish Community in Novi Sad, ambassadors of Israel and Hungary in Serbia, chief of the Office for Cooperation with Traditional Churches and Religious Communities and faithful people gathered in front of the Family monument.