Serbian Orthodox Church
Bishop Atanasije serves in St. Basil of Ostrog church in Banjica
23. July 2012 - 12:33His Grace Bishop Atanasije of Hvosno, vicar of Patriarch served last week on July 22, 2012 the Holy Hiearchal Liturgy in St. Basil of Ostrog church in Belgrade's suburb of Banjica.
Memorial service to Genearl Dragoljub Mihailovic in Pajazitovo
23. July 2012 - 12:06On Tuesday, July 17, 2012 on 66th aniversary since the execution of General Draza Mihailovic, His Grace Bishop Jovan of Sumadia served the Divine Liturgy in the village of Pajazitovo with the concelebration of priests of the Kragujevac Deanery. The Bishop was besides the locals also welcomed by the members of the Ravna Gora movement.
Serbian Patriarch Irinej solemnly welcomed in Bosanski Petrovac
21. July 2012 - 22:36His Holiness Irinej arrived tonight in the Diocese of Bihac-Petrovac upon the invitation of His Grace Bishop Hrizostom.
The solemn welcome of Serbian Patriarch Irinej were attended by President of the National Assembly Mr.Igor Radojcic, Director of the Secretariate of Religion of the Government of the Republic of Srpska Mr. Jovo Turanjanin, as well as Their Graces Bishops Vasilije of Srem and Lukijan of Osek-Polje. The Serbian Patriarch was welcomed by host Bishop Hrizostom of Bihac-Petrovac, the head of the Municipality of Bosanski Petrovac Mr. Narmin Hajder, President of the Government of the Canton of Una- Sana Mr. Hamdija Lipovaca, head of the municipality of Drinic Mr. Dejan Prosic, and many believers from Petrovac and other towns.
News from Diocese of Nis
20. July 2012 - 15:43At the monastery of Saint Demetrius in Divljani near ancient Remesiana, Bishop Dr Jovan of Nis served the Divine Liturgy with the concelebration of priests of the monastery hieromonk Seraphim and presbyters Ivana Cvetkovica and Miroslava Bosnjaka.
Slava of the church of Saint Kyriaki in Veliki Mokri Lug
20. July 2012 - 15:36Residents of the Belgrade suburb of Veliki Mokri Lug have celebrated today the slava of their church - Holy Martyr Kyriaki. On behalf of His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, the Hierarchal Divine Liturgy was served by His Grace Bishop Andrej of Remesiana.