Serbian Orthodox Church

Reunion of the graduates of the Seminary in Krka

Former students of the Seminary of Holy Three Hierarchs - generation of 1977-82, celebrated on Jyly 17-18, 2012 thirtieth anniversary since the graduation at Krka monastery. The reunion was attended by His Grace Bishop Fotije of Dalmatia. On July 18 former professor protopresbyter-staurophor Mihailo Marijanac served the Divine Liturgy. After the Liturgy the memorial servise was served for the late professors and students of the Seminary. The guests organized an excursion to the National Park "Krka" and got to know with beauties of the lower flow of the Krka river. In late afternoon hours they visited the Krupa monastery.  

Church slava and Archpastoral Visit to St. Peter the Apostle Parish in Fresno, California

Church slava and Archpastoral Visit to St. Peter the Apostle Parish in Fresno, California
Church slava and Archpastoral Visit to St. Peter the Apostle Parish in Fresno, California
Church slava and Archpastoral Visit to St. Peter the Apostle Parish in Fresno, California
Church slava and Archpastoral Visit to St. Peter the Apostle Parish in Fresno, California

His Grace, Bishop Maxim led the parish of St. Peter the Apostle in Fresno, California in the celebration of their slava, on Sunday, July 15, 2012.  Serving at the Hierarchical Liturgy were host priest Protopresbyter Stavrophor George Gligic and the Diocesan Chancellor Hieromonk Jovan Babic.  Prior to the start of the Liturgy Bishop Maxim tonsured as Readers parishioners John Davis and Joseph Wesseler.  At the end of the Liturgy the traditional Litya procession around the church was held followed by the blessing of the Feast Day bread and wheat.

Patriarch Irinej meets with Mr. Dmitry Malishev

Patriarch Irinej meets with Mr. Dmitry Malishev
Patriarch Irinej meets with Mr. Dmitry Malishev
Patriarch Irinej meets with Mr. Dmitry Malishev
Patriarch Irinej meets with Mr. Dmitry Malishev

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch received yesterday, July 19, 2012 at the Serbian Patriarchate in Belgrade, Mr. Dmitry Malishev, high representative of the Gasprom company, which leads a project of the South Stream pipeline. Mr. Dmitry Malishev, who received the Order of St. Sava from the Serbian Orthodox Church two years ago, asked Patriarch Irinej for blessing and prayerful support to this significant project not for Serbia but also for all the region. 

Bishop Teodosije serves Holy Liturgy and consecrates new baptistery in Silovo near Gnjilane

Bishop Teodosije serves Holy Liturgy and consecrates new baptistery in Silovo near Gnjilane

Bishop Teodosije of Raska-Prizren served on July 15, 2012 the Divine Liturgy in the church of Holy Apostle Mark in the village of Silovo in Kosovo Pomoravlje with teh concelebration of eight priests. After the Holy Liturgy Bishop Teodosije served a new baptistery, which was built with the effort of local parish priest Zoran Kovacevic and contributions of benefactor Boban Maksimovic from Silovo. Also on this occasion three children were baptized in the new baptistery after which there was a nice arts program performed by Art group "Venac" from Gracanica. 

Metropolitan Amfilohije serves in Rustovo monastery

Metropolitan Amfilohije serves in Rustovo monastery

His Eminencce Archbishop of Cetinje and Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral kyr Amfilohije served on July 12, 2012 with priesthood the Hierchal Divine Liturgy on the occasion of the church slava in the church devoted to Holy martyrs the Imperial dinasty Romanov in the Rustovo monastery in Pastrovici. After reading the Gospel Metropolitan Amfilohije told them a moral. Metropolitan Amfilohije also served the commemoration to General Draza Mihailovic, who died on this day.