Serbian Orthodox Church
Holy Friday, Holy Saturday and Pascha in Serbian Parish in Kansas
23. April 2012 - 13:27Slava of the Orthodox Community in Boise
23. April 2012 - 13:22On Bright Saturday, April 21, the Serbian Community in Boise, Idaho, celebrated its Slava – Holy Resurrection and received its Bishop who served the Divine Liturgy. His Grace, Bishop Maxim visited this Serbian Community with Rev. Presbyter Fr. Predrag Bojovic and prof. Bosko Bojovic from Paris, France. The Hierarchical Divine Liturgy started at 10.00 am, and some 120 people actively attended and participated in this Eucharistic event.
Following the Holy Liturgy, there was a cutting of slava cake and a banquet. The host of the Greek Orthodox Parish of Saint Constantine and Helen, Fr. Nektarije Serfes, was extremely hospitable. He invited the Serbian Community to join his parish and participate in the sacramental life of the Church. The faithful were overjoyed with the this archpastoral visit and with the presentation of professor historian Bosko Bojovic who spoke on the subject: The heritage of the past and the challenges of the future. Fr. Nektarios Serfes, a great friend of the Serbian people, spoke again about his recent visit to Kosovo and Metohija and called upon the Serbian faithful to help their brothers and sisters in Kosovo.
Serbian Patriarch Irinej attends the jubilee of the Istocnik, Diocese of Canada
23. April 2012 - 13:13His Grace Bishop Irinej of Serbia served on Easter Friday the Holy Hiearchal Liturgy in the monastery of Holy Transfiguration, the seat of the Diocese of Canada, with the concelebration of the host, Bishop Grigorije of Canada, the Bishop Dositej of Britain-Scandinavia, the whole priesthood and monkhood of the Deanery of East Canada of the Diocese of Canada.
Serbian Patriarch Irinej serves in Hamilton
21. April 2012 - 8:04Continuing his canonical visit to the Diocese of Canada, His Holiness Irinej served the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy on Saturday, April 21, 2012 in the church of St. Nicholas in Hamilton, at Barton str., along with his host, Bishop Georgije of Canada, Bishop Dositej of Britain and Scandinavia, 11 priests and two deacons of the Diocese of Canada. During the Liturgy the choir of the church of St. Nicholas chanted, and about 200 believers attended the service in Hamilton.
Easter Tuesday in Velika Hoca
20. April 2012 - 15:46On Easter Tuesday in Velika Hoca it is traditionally served in the monastery of St. John, metochion of the monastery of Decani. The Liturgy was served by heugomen of the monastery of Zociste protosyngellos Stefan, after which there was a procession around the church. Besides the parish of Hoca protopresbyter-staurophor Milenko Dragicevic, the Liturgy was attended by hierodeacon Kirilo Decanac, who is in charge of this metochion, and the monk Marko Decanac.
Bishop Atanasije served in Umcari
20. April 2012 - 15:42His Grace Bishop Atanasije served on Bright Friday the Divine Liturgy in the church of Most Holy Theotokos in Umcari.
Following that, Bishop Atanasije in near village of Pudarci in the church of Life-bearing Easter Friday which is still under construction, cut the slava cake with the faithful of this village.