Veterans of the Army of Serbia visiting the Serbian Patriarch

Veterans of the Army of Serbia visiting the Serbian Patriarch
Veterans of the Army of Serbia visiting the Serbian Patriarch
Veterans of the Army of Serbia visiting the Serbian Patriarch
Veterans of the Army of Serbia visiting the Serbian Patriarch

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, received on 6 March 2019 representatives of the Association “Friends” of 72nd Special Brigade and the Association of Veterans of the 63rd Parachute Brigade at the Serbian Patriarchate in Belgrade.

The Serbian Patriarch in the Diocese of Nis

The Serbian Patriarch in the Diocese of Nis
The Serbian Patriarch in the Diocese of Nis
The Serbian Patriarch in the Diocese of Nis
The Serbian Patriarch in the Diocese of Nis

His Holiness Irinej visited this Diocese on the occasion of the scientific conference “Orthodox monasticism”, in honor of the 70th anniversary of the monastic life of Very Venerable Archimandrite Dionisije (Pantelic) on 7 March 2019.

The Serbian Patriarch was welcomed by His Grace Bishop Arsenije of Nis with clergy and monastics of the Diocese of Nis, whereupon he attended the Vesper service in the Cathedral church, officiated by Archimandrite Dionisije with the concelebration of protopresbyter-staurophor Branislav Cincarevic and deacon Djordje Filipovic.

Holy Three Hierarchs, Dallas, Texas (short history and 20th anniversary)

Holy Three Hierarchs, Dallas, Texas (short history and 20th anniversary)
Holy Three Hierarchs, Dallas, Texas (short history and 20th anniversary)
Holy Three Hierarchs, Dallas, Texas (short history and 20th anniversary)
Holy Three Hierarchs, Dallas, Texas (short history and 20th anniversary)

It will forever be unknown how many generations of the Serbian people lost their names, language, customs, and the Orthodox faith in the hot Texas sun.

Industrialization coupled with the smell of oil fields has been drawing Serbian immigrants for decades. By the end of the sixties, the Karakasevic family moved to Texas, followed by the Simic and Palmer families in the eighties, who later became pillars of our church established in 1999. At the outset of the 1990s, there was an immense influx of our people from Serbian Krajina and central Bosnia and Herzegovina, who, carried by the flames of war, started to build new nests in the Northern Texas area.

Patron Saint-day of Patriarchate Chapel of Saint Simeon of Myrrh-Gusher

Patron Saint-day of Patriarchate Chapel of Saint Simeon of Myrrh-Gusher
Patron Saint-day of Patriarchate Chapel of Saint Simeon of Myrrh-Gusher
Patron Saint-day of Patriarchate Chapel of Saint Simeon of Myrrh-Gusher
Patron Saint-day of Patriarchate Chapel of Saint Simeon of Myrrh-Gusher

The Patron Saint-day of the chapel of Saint Simeon the Myrrh-Gusher in the Serbian Patriarchate, Belgrade, was celebrated on 26 February 2019 with the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy officiated by His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej in the prayerful presence of Their Graces Bishops Lavrentije of Sabac and Metodije of Dioclea.

The choir of the First Belgrade Choral Assemble sang responses. The service was attended by Dr. Mileta Radojevic, Director of the Office for Cooperation with Churches and Religious Communities.