Recognition for Metropolitan Porfiry from the Religious Liberty Association

Recognition for Metropolitan Porfiry from the Religious Liberty Association
Recognition for Metropolitan Porfiry from the Religious Liberty Association
Recognition for Metropolitan Porfiry from the Religious Liberty Association
Recognition for Metropolitan Porfiry from the Religious Liberty Association

The Executive Committee of the Religious Liberty Association brought a decision that this year’s laureate will be Metropolitan Dr. Porfiry of Zagreb-Ljubljana.

In the solemn hall of the Rectorate of the University of Zagreb, on the occasion of the Day of the religious freedoms, 12 January 2019, a solemn jubilee session of the Religious Liberty Association in Republic of Croatia was held. The session was attended by Mayor of Zagreb, Mr. Milan Bandic; Former President of the Republic of Croatia Dr. Ivo Josipovic; Secretary General of the International Religious Liberty Association (IRLA) Dr. Ganoune Diop; national ombudsman Mrs. Lora Vidovic; Director of Government’s Commission for relations with religious communities Dr. Sime Jercic, representatives of Churches and religious communities in the Republic of Croatia, as well as many by other dignitaries from political and cultural life.

Vladika Stefan consecrated the Elementary school "Djura Danicic”

Vladika Stefan consecrated the Elementary school "Djura Danicic”
Vladika Stefan consecrated the Elementary school "Djura Danicic”
Vladika Stefan consecrated the Elementary school "Djura Danicic”
Vladika Stefan consecrated the Elementary school "Djura Danicic”

His Grace Bishop Stefan of Remesiana,  Vicar of the Serbian Patriarch, consecrated premises of the Elementary school “Djura Danicic” in Belgrade’s district Brace Jerkovic.

Among those who concelebrated there were: protopresbyter-staurophors BrankoTopalovic, and Uni-Professor Dr. Dragomir Sando, archpriest Dragan Pavlovic, presbyters Milan Maric and Vuk Matijasevic, protodeacon Stevan Rapajic and deacons Sasa Glisic and Nemanja Ristic.

Service of supplications for the beginning of the New Year in Saint Sava Cathedral

Service of supplications for the beginning of the New Year in Saint Sava Cathedral
Service of supplications for the beginning of the New Year in Saint Sava Cathedral
Service of supplications for the beginning of the New Year in Saint Sava Cathedral
Service of supplications for the beginning of the New Year in Saint Sava Cathedral

His Grace Bishop Stefan of Remesiana celebrated last night thanksgiving service for the last year and the service of supplications for the forthcoming New Year marked according to the Julian Calendar on the plateau facing the Memorial Cathedral of Saint Sava in the district of Vracar (phоto gallery).

After the service of supplication a traditional fireworks was organized on the Saint Sava plateau.

Christmas in the Belgrade District Prison

Christmas in the Belgrade District Prison
Christmas in the Belgrade District Prison
Christmas in the Belgrade District Prison
Christmas in the Belgrade District Prison

On the second day of the Christmas, on the feast-day of the Assembly of the Most Holy Mother of God, with the service of the Holy Liturgy in the chapel of the Resurrection of Christ in the District Prison in Belgrade, divine peace was announced and reunion of all in Christ which the Nativity of Newborn Child brings.

All gathered in Christ, there were present at the service: prisoners of that prison, commanders and employees of the facility, parishioners of the Vozdovac church of Holy Emperor Constantine and Helen, members of the Charity section of the Archbishopric of Belgrade-Karlovci, deacon Branislav Jocic and prison chaplain Revd. Gligorije Markovic.

Winter Youth retreat 2018 – Great Success

Full to capacity as usual, the winter youth retreat 2018 was and continues to be a greatSuccess – thanks be to God, His most holy Mother (for protection), Saints, Angels, our good Bishop Longin for blessing it, and great people (especially our sisters and mothers, our clergy and the Youth Department) for putting much work in planning it and also executing it.

The theme for the retreat was: Who am I and where am I going – this also will be the theme for the oratorical Festival 2019. High school students of the Midwest Diocese may apply to write an essay as soon as possible – contact the Diocesan youth director: Priest Dragan Petrovic- Indianapolis.