Saint Sava Academy in Nis

Saint Sava Academy in Nis
Saint Sava Academy in Nis
Saint Sava Academy in Nis
Saint Sava Academy in Nis

His Grace Bishop Arsenije of Nis: - We should not renounce values which Saint Sava gave to us

The Saint Sava Academy in Nis was held with the blessing of His Grace Bishop Arsenije of Nis in the Great Hall of the Military Headquarters on 26 January 2019, under the auspices of the City of Nis, and in the organization of the Church-school Community of Nis, the Nis church choir “Branko” and in the cooperation with the Serbian Army Command of the Republic of Serbia.

Feast day of Saint Sava celebrated in Arad, Romania

Feast day of Saint Sava celebrated in Arad, Romania
Feast day of Saint Sava celebrated in Arad, Romania
Feast day of Saint Sava celebrated in Arad, Romania
Feast day of Saint Sava celebrated in Arad, Romania

His Grace Lukijan, Diocesan Bishop of Budim and Administrator of Temisoara, was awarded with the Order of Saint Sava Brankovic for special merits in the field of rapprochement between the Serbian and Romanian peoples.

On 27 January 2019, when the Serbian Church celebrates its first Archbishop Saint Sava, the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy was officiated by His Eminence Archbishop Timotej of Arad and His Grace Bishop Lukijan of Budim and the Administrator of Temisoara with concelebration of Serbian and Romanian clergy.

Patron Saint Day of Saint Sava church in Split

Patron Saint Day of Saint Sava church in Split
Patron Saint Day of Saint Sava church in Split
Patron Saint Day of Saint Sava church in Split
Patron Saint Day of Saint Sava church in Split

On the day when our Church celebrates Saint Sava, 27 January 2019, His Grace Bishop Nikodim of Dalmatia served the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in Split.

Sain Sava celebrated in Bar, Montenegro

Sain Sava celebrated in Bar, Montenegro
Sain Sava celebrated in Bar, Montenegro
Sain Sava celebrated in Bar, Montenegro
Sain Sava celebrated in Bar, Montenegro

On the day when our Holy Church celebrated Saint Sava, the Serbian Enlightener, protopresbyter-staurophor Slobodan Zekovic served the Holy Liturgy in the church of Saint Jovan Vladimir in Bar.