Saint Sebastian's days in Jackson

Saint Sebastian's days in Jackson
Saint Sebastian's days in Jackson
Saint Sebastian's days in Jackson
Saint Sebastian's days in Jackson

Saint Sava Church in Jackson, California, for the fourth time celebrated the feast day of its founder, Saint Sebastian of Jackson, an Apostle of America, in the 2018th year of the Lord, with great joy and love.

Although on a week day, Friday, the church was filled with the faithful from various Orthodox churches and from various places of California, who all desired an encounter with the great man in whom God is well-pleased. Like last year, priests from a few neighboring Serbian and other Orthodox parishes gathered together for Divine Liturgy, but a special joy this year was brought by two guests from afar. One of them was Presbyter Miroslav Andrić from Kraljevo, a city near Žiča Monastery, where Saint Sava, the patron of Jackson’s church, was enthroned and where his archiepiscopal see was, and where Saint Sebastian, its founder, fell asleep in the Lord and reposed on its cemetery from 1940 until 2007.

Promotion of the Slovak translation of "The Prologue of Ohrid“

Promotion of the Slovak translation of "The Prologue of Ohrid“
Promotion of the Slovak translation of "The Prologue of Ohrid“
Promotion of the Slovak translation of "The Prologue of Ohrid“
Promotion of the Slovak translation of "The Prologue of Ohrid“

The magnificent work of Holy Bishop Nikolaj Velimirovic "The Prologue of Ohrid" promoted throughout Slovakia

The official promotions of the Orthodox spiritual books in Slovakia are not uncommon, but since, with the help of God, the magnificent work of Holy Bishop Nikolaj Velimirovic The Prologue of Ohrid was finally translated into the Slovak language, intended for all ages and intellectual categories regardless of religion. 

The beginning of the celebration of the great jubilee in the Diocese of Srem

The beginning of the celebration of the great jubilee in the Diocese of Srem
The beginning of the celebration of the great jubilee in the Diocese of Srem
The beginning of the celebration of the great jubilee in the Diocese of Srem
The beginning of the celebration of the great jubilee in the Diocese of Srem

The capital monograph "Eight centuries of the Serbian Orthodox Church in picture and words" was presented. 

On Thursday, 29 November 2018, on the feast day of Holy Apostle Matthew, upon the blessing of His Grace Bishop Vasilije of Srem and with the hospitality of Director of the Karlovac Grammar School Mr. Radovan Kovacevic, a celebration marking the eight centuries of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Sremski Karlovci and the Diocese of Srem began. 

Serbian Patriarch receives Ambassador of Italy to Serbia

Serbian Patriarch receives Ambassador of Italy to Serbia
Serbian Patriarch receives Ambassador of Italy to Serbia
Serbian Patriarch receives Ambassador of Italy to Serbia
Serbian Patriarch receives Ambassador of Italy to Serbia

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, received His Excellency Carlo Lo Cascio, Ambassador of Italy to the Republic of Serbia in the Serbian Patriarchate on 27 November 2018.

Serbian Patriarch receives Hungarian Ambassador to Serbia

Serbian Patriarch receives Hungarian Ambassador to Serbia
Serbian Patriarch receives Hungarian Ambassador to Serbia
Serbian Patriarch receives Hungarian Ambassador to Serbia
Serbian Patriarch receives Hungarian Ambassador to Serbia

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, received His Excellency Attila Pinter, Ambassador of Hungary to the Republic of Serbia in the Serbian Patriarchat on 27 November 2018.