Feast Day in the Diocese of Bihac-Petrovac
13. July 2021 - 9:48
On the feast day of Holy Apostles Peter and Paul His Grace Bishop Sergije of Bihac-Petrovac and Rmanj officiated the Holy Hierarchical Liturgy in the church of the Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God in Gornje Sokolovo.
The Bishop was concelebrated by Archimandrites Varnava (Damjanovic) and Vasilije (Rozic), protopresbyter-staurophors Ilija Prole and Marinko Radmilo, protonamesnik Bosko Maksimovic and protodeacon Nemanja Reljic.
Hierarchical Liturgy and ordination in the monastery of Grabovo
13. July 2021 - 12:38
His Grace David of Krusevac served the Holy Hierarchical Liturgy in the monastery of Grabovo on 12 July 2021, on the feast day of Sts. Peter and Paul the Apostles.
In a prayerful presence of the head of the monastery, nun Agapija, the Bishop was concelebrated by Diocesan dean of Razanj protopresbyter Vladica Stolic, parish of Bosnjan archpriest Aleksandar Lukic, parish priest of Krusevac presbyter Andrija Jelic, parish priest of Vitosevo-Podorac presbyter Dejan Savic, as well as deacons Nenad Matic, Ivan Petronijevic, Andrija Lazarevic and Boris Simonovic.
Bishop Jerotej celebrated Vigil service on the Eve of the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul
12. July 2021 - 10:39
On the Eve of the feast day of Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, His Grace Bishop Jerotej of Toplica, Vicar of the Serbian Patriarch, officiated the Vigil service with the blessing of five loaves in the old Cathedral church in Belgrade on 11 July 2021.
Bishop Isihije in canonical visit to Obrenovac
12. July 2021 - 10:49
On the Eve of the feast day of Sts. Peter and Paul faithful people of Posavina gathered for the first time around His Grace Bishop Isihije of Valjevo who officiated the Holy Liturgy in the church of Descent of the Holy Spirit unto Apostles in Obrenovac.
The Bishop was concelebrated by protonamesniks Filip Jakovljevic and Slobodan Ilic with the clergy from Obrenovac and Valjevo, with the chanting of the choir "Sts. Joachim and Ana".
Patriarch with children from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Croatia
9. July 2021 - 11:47Address by His Holiness Porfirije, the Serbian Patriarch to children from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Croatia in the Church of St. Sava in Vracar on July 8, 2021.
I am glad that you came to Serbia, that you came to the capital of Serbia, Belgrade, and especially that you came to the heart of the capital, and that is the Cathedral church of Saint Sava. I say that the Cathedral church of Saint Sava is the heart of Belgrade, because we, Orthodox Serbs, could say that the heart of our people is Saint Sava. Why? Because Saint Sava determined the spiritual path and gave spiritual guidance to his compatriots, and that is the Orthodox faith and Orthodox prayer. I am glad that you came from Croatia, from Dalmatia, that you came from Bosnia and Herzegovina, from the Federation, because you live there with your peers who belong to other nations and have different spiritual guidelines, that is. Although many of them pray to God, they pray for nuance differently. Although, when we talk about prayer, if it is sincere, if the prayer is from the depths of the soul, regardless of the differences that can be recognized in words and manner, it always reaches God and God hears it.