The greatest publishers in Serbia visit Serbian Patriarch

The greatest publishers in Serbia visit Serbian Patriarch
The greatest publishers in Serbia visit Serbian Patriarch
The greatest publishers in Serbia visit Serbian Patriarch
The greatest publishers in Serbia visit Serbian Patriarch

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch received today in the Serbian Patriarchate in Belgrade Mr. Slobodan Gavrilovic - director of the Sluzbeni glasnik, Mr. Miloljub Albijanic - director of the Institute for textbooks of Serbia, protopresbyter-staurophor Professor Dr Radovan Bigovic, Mr. Petar Arbutina - director of the publishing of  the Sluzbeni glasnik and Mr. Goran Ratkovic - chief of the graphic and technical editorial of the Sluzbeni glasnik. The reception was attended by protopresbyter-staurophor Stojadin Pavlovic, director of the Administration office of the Patriarchate. 

Serbian Patriarch meets ambassador of Iraq

Serbian Patriarch meets ambassador of Iraq
Serbian Patriarch meets ambassador of Iraq
Serbian Patriarch meets ambassador of Iraq
Serbian Patriarch meets ambassador of Iraq

His Holiness Irinej received yesterday in the Serbian Patriarchate in Belgrade His Excellency Dr Falah A. Abdulsada, the ambassador of the Republic of Iraq.

St. Sava church in Pennsylvania receives new stained glass windows

St. Sava church in Pennsylvania receives new stained glass windows

St. Sava church in the town of McKeesport in Pennsylvania, USA got new icons in the stained glass. After five years of planning and collecting funds, His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of East America blessed on Sunday, October 30 newly-made icons of the Protection of the Most Holy Mother of God, St. Nikolaj of Zica, Sts. Cosmas and Damian, St. Nicholas the Wonder-Worker, St. Great Martyr George, St. Sava and St. Simeon, St. Lazar of Kosovo and St. Petka. Bishops was concelebrated by head of the church, protopresbyter Stephen Rocknage.

Feast Day of Holy King Milutin on Zabljak

Feast Day of Holy King Milutin on Zabljak

On the feast day of Sts. Kings Milutin and Dragutin (in monasticism known as Teoktist) and their mother Queen Helen, on Saturday, November 12 the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy was served in the church of the Transfiguration of the Lord on Zabljak, by His Grace Bishop Joanikije of Budimlje-Niksic. The Bishop was concelebrated by: archimandrite Isaiah Krgovic, heugomen of the Bijela monastery near Savnik, presbyter Milivoje Jovovic, parish of Zabljak, priest Drazenko Ristic,parish of Savnik and hierodeacon Antonije, brother of the monastery of Djurdjevi Stupovi.

Restoration of the church of prophet Elijah in Raduch

 Restoration of the church of prophet Elijah in Raduch

With the blessing of His Grace Bishop Gerasim of Gornji Karlovac, during 2011 a restoration of the church of St. prophet Elijah began in Raduch. The church of St. prophet Elijah which was built in 1725, suffered during the World War  Two, and also after the war and was dynamited by the communists. It was restored and consecrated in 1988 by Bishop Simeon of Gornji Karlovac of blessed repose, so it was suffered during the last war, the "Storm" action, in 1996/1997.