Bishop of Nis serves in Pirot
24. October 2011 - 9:16On the day when we celebrate Holy Martyrs of Sergej and Vakha His Grace Bishop Dr Jovan of Nis with priests of the hierarchal vicarage of Pirot and Bela Palanka served the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the church of the Nativity of Christ in Pirot.
A great joy were the kids, students of religious education in the schools of Pirot, who welcomed their Bishop and who read the Prayer of the Lord at the Liturgy and partook the Holy Communion. The Bishop gave the Prayer book to all the present as the gift.
Bishop David visits the church of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos in Padez
24. October 2011 - 9:08His Grace Bishop David of Krusevac visited on October 18, 2011 the church of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos in Padez. His Grace Bishop was welcomed by father Milorad Prsic, the parish priest of Padez, with children.
Source: Diocese of Krusevac
Liturgical remembrance on New Martyrs of Kragujevac
24. October 2011 - 8:51Seven decades ago Kragujevac and area were the scene of one of the bloodiest crimes in the Second World War. Fascist soldiers in retaliation in a few days shot many thousands of innocent civilians including a number of children.
Hierarchal Divine Liturgy at Monastery of St. Sava in Elaine
21. October 2011 - 12:16His Grace Bishop Irinej of Metropolitanate of Australia and New Zealand served the Hierarchal Divine Liturgy in the St. Sava monastery, in Elaine on the feast day of St. Thomas the Apostle. The occasion for this visit was a celebration of baptismal name of His Beatitude Archimandrite Teodor (Bojovic), the abott of this monastery.
Patriarch meets with president of New Serbian Democracy party
20. October 2011 - 15:22His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch received today, on October 20, 2011 Mr. Andrija Mandic, the president of the New Serbian Democracy from Montenegro. On this occasion Mr. Mandic gave His Holiness an unique icon of Holy Serbian new martyrs, a work of iconographic atellier "Minic" from Belgrade, and which will be available to believers at the church of St. Alexander Nevsky who want to see and kiss it.