Celebration of the feast day of the Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God in Mrzenica monastery

Celebration of the feast day of the Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God in Mrzenica monastery

Also this year, 2011, as before, since in the village of Mrzenica a church was raised dedicated to the Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God, the church slava was celebrated fully and solemnly. 

In an early morning a pious people came to the Liturgy which was served by archimandrite Alexy, heugomen of the Saint Luke monastery, father Jovan Jocix, retired priest of the parish in Makresan and father Tihon, heugomen of the monastery of Mrzenica.

Archbishop Jovan serves in Nova Mihanjona

Archbishop Jovan serves in Nova Mihanjona

Eighteen week after Pentecost, His Beatitude Archbishop of Ohrid and Metropolitan of Skopje kyr kyr Jovan served the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the church of the Theotokos in the city of Nova Mihanjona. 
Source: www.poa-info.org

Holy Hiearchal Liturgy in Kursumlija

Holy Hiearchal Liturgy in Kursumlija
Holy Hiearchal Liturgy in Kursumlija
Holy Hiearchal Liturgy in Kursumlija
Holy Hiearchal Liturgy in Kursumlija

On Sunday, October 16,  His Grace Bishop dr Jovan of Nis visited Kursumlija and in the church of Holy Trinity along with the priesthood of the hierarchal vicarage of Toplica served the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy. 

Orthodox Bishops of Oceania visit Serbian Metropolitanate

Orthodox Bishops of Oceania visit Serbian Metropolitanate
Orthodox Bishops of Oceania visit Serbian Metropolitanate
Orthodox Bishops of Oceania visit Serbian Metropolitanate
Orthodox Bishops of Oceania visit Serbian Metropolitanate

On Sunday, October 16, 2011, a group of highly distinguished guests, led by the Orthodox Bishops of Oceania, visited the seat of Metropolitanate of Australia-New Zealand in Sidney's suburb of Alexandria.

Dormition of Most Holy Theotokos in Djunis

Dormition of Most Holy Theotokos in Djunis
Dormition of Most Holy Theotokos in Djunis
Dormition of Most Holy Theotokos in Djunis
Dormition of Most Holy Theotokos in Djunis

As before, this year the celebration of prayerful representation of Most Holy Mother of God in a most festive manner was marked in Djunis, the monastery dedicated to the feast day of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos. Rivers of believers who came in the evening to this sacred place welcomed His Grace Bishop Dr Jovan of Nis who served the All night vigil service.